Chapter 5

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"Iris wake up." Garnet told her.

Iris groaned.

"Why? It's so early?"

She sat up and squinted her eyes from the lighting of her room.

"Because you and I are going on a mission today."

Iris opened her eyes fully.

"Really!?" Garnet nodded.

"Yes. Now get dressed and have some breakfast and we'll head out."


Iris went down stairs and ate some cereal.

"Wow you ate that pretty fast."

Pearl said as iris was washing up her dishes.

"What are you doing today?" Pearl asked

"It's a secret." Iris went up to her room and got dressed, brushed her hair and her teeth.

"Iris you ready to go?" Garnet asked from down stairs.

"Yeah I'm coming."

She rushed down the stairs to garnet.

"All right then let's go"

they went on the warp pad.

"Where are you two going?" Steven asked.

"We're going on a secret mission together."

"Ok I'll wait here till you guys come back. So we can play board games and have some pizza."

"Sounds good. We'll see you later."

Garnet and iris warped away.

"Where are we going garnet?"

Garnet looked at her.

"We are going to the strawberry battle fields in search for any corrupted gems."

She told her.


Garnet knew there weren't any for she and the others already got the ones there a long time ago. She just wanted something less dangerous for the young child. Iris held garnets leg as they warped. When they arrived iris was amazed.

"Wow this is so cool!" She said looking at all the strawberries and scattered weapons.

"This is where many gems were shattered during the war." She told iris.

"Oh. So it's bad then?" Iris asked as they walked around the overgrown battle fields from the war that happened over 5,000 years ago.

"The battles of the war was horrific yes, but learning of the past isn't bad and learning about the past helps you move forward in the future."

"Well how did the war start." Iris asked curiously.

"When the diamonds gave pink diamond earth as a colony and her first gems emerged rose was one of them. Soon enough rose saw the beautiful landscapes and creatures of the earth an fell in love with it. She went to pink diamond to make her stop the colonization but she refused. So rose pledged war against pink diamond and many gems joined her in the rebellion against the diamond authority."

"What is the diamond authority?" Iris questioned.

"Well the diamond authority was made up of four diamonds. White, yellow, blue and pink diamond."

There was a loud rumble.

"Garnet what's in the sky?" Iris said pointing to a green hand.

"We need to head back to the temple."

Garnet picked iris up and ran to the warp pad. When they got back to the temple and went outside Steven amethyst and pearl were standing outside by the light cannon. Steven activated it and it fired at the ship but it deflected it.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" Garnet asked them.

"We don't know theres this ship that just arrived."

Garnet put iris on the ground.

"Iris go inside."

"But garnet."

"No iris it's dangerous go inside please. I don't want you to get hurt." Garnet told her.

"But what if you get hurt."

"I'll be fine you won't, now run."

Iris ran inside and sat on the couch by the window. Lapis and two other gems came out of the ship that had just landed.

"Lapis!" Steven shouted.

"Is this their base?" The tall orange one asked.

.Yes" lapis murmured.

"Wow this is pathetic." She said looking at Steven and the gems.

"Jasper they've been destroying my robinoids and plans." Peridot told her.

"Blast em with the ship. This is a waste of my time."

Jasper turned around as peridot went to blast them. Steven ran in front of the gems and used his shield and protected the gems. Jasper looked at Steven with wide eyes.

"That shield, that symbol, you're Rose quartz!" She said pointing to Steven as he was tired from summoning the shield.

"Now do you believe that I needed an escort." Peridot said.

"Fire a barrage wide spread!" Jasper demanded.

Peridot swiped her limb enhancer and fired a laser at them which they dodged. Steven was on the ground Jasper was in front of him.

"Why do you look so weak Rose?"

Lapis went beside her.

"Don't hurt him!" She shouted.

"You knew about this didn't you?"

"It wasn't important to the mission."

"Forget about the mission she has shattered two diamonds and is now living here where she shattered pink diamond. Yellow diamond needs to see this... thing"

Steven was frightened. Garnet jumped up from behind him and went to attack Jasper who summoned her helmet and blocked her punch.

"Steven run into the house!"

Garnet told him as she charged at Jasper again. Jasper took out a destabilizer and struck garnet with it. Garnet poofed two gems fell to the ground.

"Garnet!" Iris cried out from the window.

Steven was shaking afraid of what Jasper was going to do to him.

"I was there at the first war for this horrid planet, fought against your armies and respected your tactics but then shattering your diamond and over five thousand years later shatter another. And now this."

She picked up Steven by his shirt.

"This is sickening."

Pearl and amethyst charged towards them.

"Unhand him!" Pearl shouted.

"And now your base is taken your armies are ruined."

She phased off her helmet.

"You have failed."

She head butted Steven making him pass out. She dropped him on the ground before taking out pearl and amethyst in one swipe of the destabilizer.

"Come on let's get off this garbage planet and bring these traitors back to the diamonds."

Peridot grabbed the four gems while Jasper flung Steven over her shoulder bringing him onto the ship. Iris watched as the ship took off.

"No please. Bring them back." She cried.

The gems and Steven were hurt and she couldn't help them.

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