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It started with a women and her son. The women was strong willed, care free, and beautiful. She was elegant and wise. She loved her son deeply and wanted him to be independent and brave. She taught him the ways of the Grisha and she told him stories of how they were ostracized and unwanted from the rest of society. From his mother he learned how to be tough and to stick up for himself. He became very protective of his mother and wanted nothing more for her to be safe and happy. 

The women one day decided she wanted more for her son. Seeing as a child would want more than just his mother for company, she went into town and sought out a strong Grisha whom she would take to bed.  

When the girl was born, the boy knew that he would do anything to keep her safe and happy just like his mother. As she got older she began to show her powers as a Tidemaker differing from her mother and brother. Even though their powers differed, they taught her everything they knew. 

As the boy grew more powerful and gained more control, the girl stayed by his side. He never made a decision without consulting her first and together their grew the second army. 

In Os Alta, at the little palace they took their place as leaders and teachers for the Grisha. They both wore black Keftas, his being trimmed with gold while hers was decorated with a bright blue to show her etherealki status. 

Unlike the boy, the girl quickly fit in with all of the other Grisha her age. She ate with them and went to classes with them, even though she was way beyond their knowledge in summoning. She was an extremely social being. 

She couldn't help however to be outcasted because of her powers. Unlike the usual tidemaker, she could also control the water in things, including humans, to be able to make them loose control of their own bodies. She had a close connection with water and could sense when a lot of it was close. She knew when people were near her and could feel their emotions and desires. If she got close enough to someone, she began to understand them more and even when they are far away she could feel their emotions and sense if they were ok. She did that a lot with her brother when he was away. 

She could also use her powers to kill. She would quickly draw the water out of someones body until they die in an instant. One of her favorite things to do is to pull just enough water out of someone to give them a mild headache. Most often she would do this to her brother when he became too harsh or would be mean to her or the other Grisha. 

As she grew up she became a bigger part in the court. She would often accompany her brother to the Grand Palace and she became an excellent diplomat. She was poised and elegant like her mother and resembled a queen. She was beautiful and quickly caught the eye of many of the boys at the many balls and dinners she would attend at both palaces. Her brother began to despise the gazes that were sent her way and always stayed close to her, holding her dainty but strong arm in his protective grasp. 

She noticed her brothers hovering and did not mind in the slightest for she did not have her eye on any of the boys except for one. 

She had met with the royal family many times and quickly became close with the youngest prince because of his witty banter and his playful nature. Them being very close in age, they have hung out together since he was thirteen and her and her brother moved into the  little palace. Other than her brother he was the girls closest friend. They often snuck out at night to run through the grounds and play by the lake away from the palace. They confided in each other about their troubles— mainly ranting about their annoying older brothers— and laughed together throughout their growing years. They shared both of their first kisses together and, knowing of her brothers distaste for the girl having a relationship, snuck around the two palaces stealing kisses in empty palace rooms and at their spot along the lake after it was dark. 

Her brother remained protective of her, and he remained oblivious of their relationship as she promised him she had no interest in anyone. He knew that she was old enough to make her own smart decisions but he was terrified of someone hurting her so he kept her to himself. 

And hurt was exactly what happened to her. There were rumors starting to flood around town and in the palace that the younger prince was illegitimate. He was not a true member of the royal family. His father sent him away to diffuse the tension and try to settle the rumors to try and not bring dishonor to him or the family. 

The girl went to see him at the Grand Palace like normal, but when she entered she found her brother by the throne talking with the king and the older prince. The boy had set up a deal with the king that from now on the girl would be accompanying the older prince to all of the gatherings as his date in order to show unity between the two armies. To him it was a win win. He knew that she had absolutely no interest in the older prince, as no one else did either. The oldest prince was almost handsome with a weak chin and drunk looking eyes. He was arrogant and the girl just found him boring. He was constantly blowing off his duties and always complained. The girl began to despise him. The boy was again oblivious to the treatment that the girl was receiving from the prince. He was misogynistic and was extremely rude to her. He took advantage of her knowing it was her job to please him in order to keep the second army in good graces with the king. 

She missed her prince and how they used to sneak around and she grew to loath him for leaving her alone without saying goodbye. 

However much she was mad at him she still felt comfort every night going to sleep being able to use her powers and feel his excitement and happiness and she knew he was still alive somewhere. 

Tidal --- Nikolai LantsovWhere stories live. Discover now