✎ you crying infront of them (2)

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my mom just made me exercise for 40 minutes which involves your hips, hands, legs moving active i started confident and energized as a joke and now i’m actually really tired and about to faint rn 💀💀

ALSO PLS RECOMMEND A SAD ANIME i haven’t cried in awhile 🙄‼


Hajime :
➷ Kinda awkward and confused
➷ "Hey um, do you need a hug or something? Sorry I’m kind of bad at comforting."
➷ Hugs you if you need one
➷ Wants to encourage you by words and physical affection but comes off as dry
➷ "I’m sorry if I come off like that, I’m not really good at these types of things but I really care about you alright? Sorry if that’s a little cheesy."

Hiyoko :
➷ "Pfft, who’s this crusty batch of nature who keeps making you cry like this? This is pathetic! they are--" And kept going like that.
➷ Will punch and kick if she has to
➷ Aggressive affection like ;
“Stop crying, you look fucking ugly when you cry, cheer up! You look better with a smile on your face."
➷ Once she meets who hurts you, she’ll have so many insults ready.

"you swine. you vulgar little maggot. you worthless bag of filth. i wager you couldn’t empty a boot of excrement were the instructions on the heel. you are a canker. a sore that won’t go away. i would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress is with your insight. the evidence that you are a nicompoop will still be available to readers, but they’ll be able to access is more rapidly.
your personality is that chihuahua intent on destroying it’s own tail. your power of observation are akin to those of a bird that keeps slamming into the picture window trying to get that other bird it keeps seeing.
you are walking, talking proof that you don't have to be sentient to survive, and that barnum was thinking of you when he uttered his immortal phrase regarding the bird of a sucker.
you are at varying times, tedious, boring, and even occasionally earth shatteringly hilarious in your idiocy, routinely childish, moronic, pathetic, wretched, disgusting, and pitiful.
you have nothing to say and godwin’s law does not apply when writing about you. you are the anti-midas, for all that you touch becomes valueless and unusable. mothers gather their children close when you appear.
you are an aberration, a corruption, and a boil that needs to be lanced. you are a poison in need of being vomited. you are a tooth so rotten it effects the whole body. you are a sperm that should have been captured in a condom and flushed down a toilet.
i do not like you. i don’t like anybody who has little respect for others as you do. go away, you swine. you’re  a putrescent mass, a walking vomit.
you are a spineless little worm. deserve nothing but the profoundest contempt. you are a jerk, a cad, and a weasel. your life is a monument to stupidity. you are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon.
you are a weed, a fungus, and the dregs of this earth. and did *i* mention you smell? monkeys look down on you. even gorillas wouldn’t want to have *** with you.
you are definitely greedy, violent, insane, useless, lame, satanic, clueless, arrogant, brain-damaged, criminal, loathsome, deadly, narrow, manipulative, uncaring, dim, harmful, dumb, fraudulent, spastic, ignorant, tasteless, bigoted, fundamental, self-desructive, socially-***********. you son of a sandwich. i despise everything about you. i can not stand how incredibly stupid you are. the only thing worse than your logic is your manners."

Mahiru :
➷ "Oh my-- Who did this to you?"
➷ Will go "Karen mode" if she has to
➷ Mom friend, really cares about you
➷ Mostly emotional support

Mikan :
➷ Panics a lot, screaming inside actually
➷ "U-Uhm, Y/N please tell me if something’s wrong. I-I’m always here for you.. you know?"
➷ Lots of cuddling
➷ "Shh, stop crying okay? I’m always here for you. Here I’ll hold you in my arms."

Byakuya :
➷ Sighs
➷ Very hesitant but would hug you, he rarely does this
➷ "Stop crying now, you look pathetic like this."
➷ Didn’t really mean it but is just trying to make you smile.
➷ Tries to keep his cool but ended up being a huge softie afterwards.

Ibuki :
➷ "Oh my my! Y/N, what happened!?"
➷ Foaming at the mouth
➷ Tries to make you calm down by playing a chill music
➷ Gives the best hugs!

Taka :
➷ "Y/N, why are you crying? Are you alright!?"
➷ Gives you pat on the back while you’re crying
➷ Gives you water and wipes the tears off your face
➷ "It’s gonna be okay Y/N, just calm down alright!?"

Sorry if this is too short I got really tired writing Hiyoko’s long speech 🕺

Also I want to make something like "[character] as [insert]" and something like that soon because I haven’t wrote stories in a long time now (I’m still writing head cannons like this dw!!)

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