Namjoon - Broken Ankle

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Requested by Mochii_molala

Summary: While they are practicing, Namjoon slips and lands wrong, amd breaks his ankle slightly, but didn't know. He continues to dance and walk on it for the next few days in pain, until final straw when it finally snaps and he falls down the stairs.

Namjoon and the other boys were practicing for their latest comeback. They were currently going through the dance of their song Dynamite, which they had known since August when the song first came out.

They were dancing the song in repeat, fixing small mistakes they've made if there were any. The chreographer soon shouted, "Five minute qater break! Go!" ((Ah, band camp and band practuce memories.))

The boys ran over to their water bottles, Namjoon wobbling a bit.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked, his voice slightly wavering with worry.

"Yeah...Just need some water."


Namjoon plopped his body down against the wall as he chugged some water, being stopped by Seokjin.

"Hey. Don't chug it. You'll make yourself sick. Small sips."

"Alright, Hyung."

He took small sips of the water bottle. He drank half of it before the choreographer called them back to get in formation.

"Alright. Dynamite looks good. But I want to run through it again."

The boys nodded softly as they heard the music start up. Soon, they were all dancing.

They had gone through it another three times.

Soon, Namjoon stumbled, having tripped over his own foot. He landed on the floor and winced in pain at his ankle.


The choreographer stopped the music and came over to look at his ankle. He touched it gently to examine it.

"Looks like a sprain. It is starting to swell a bit but I don't see any bruising. You can sit out for the rest of dance practice or until you feel better at least."

Namjoon nodded, a staff member helping him to go sit down.


It had been about two weeks since Namjoon hurt his ankle. He could walk on it, so, they assumed their choreographer was right when they said it was just a sprain. Namjoon never told them though that it sometimes hurt to walk on it.

Soon, they were walking down the stairs to their practice room when Namjoon stumbled and was soon falling down the stairs. Once he reached the end, his ankle was..Well, his foot looked deformed. The other boys screamed as the choreographer, PDnim, and Manager Sejin ran over.

They looked at Namjoon's ankle...They could see that it was completely broken. Namjoon looked up with his head and saw the state of his ankle, causing him to faint because of how nasty it looked.

Soon, Seokjin was calling for an ambulance because Hoseok had also fainted, ho was now laying against Yoongi, Yoongi being careful to try and wake him up.

Hoseok had only fainted because it really grossed him out and he had also vomited...He didn't have a strong stomach. Hoseok soon woke up and Yoongi looked at him.

"You okay?"
Hoseok nodded, sitting up to see a paramedic in front of him who handed him a water bottle.

"Drink in sips."

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