Yoongi - Forgotten

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Summary: Ever since Yoongi was a little boy, he's been forgotten. He gets upset as his parents treat Junki like he's special and Yoongi is a grain of dirt. Yoongi looks to his friends for help...who also seem to have forgotten him...

*5-year-old Yoongi POV*

I watched as Mommy amd Daddy praised Hyungie. Hyungie had done something good, I guess...But I cleaned up my toys like Mommy asked me too! Shouldn't I be praised too?

I walked up to my Mommy.

"Mommy!" I said.


"I picked up my toys! Don't I get a treat, too?" I asked excitedly.

"No. You didn't pick them up without being asked."

"Oh...But...I...I cleaned up my coloring stuffs without being asked!"

"No treats."

"But, Mom--"


I teared up as I felt my cheek immediately burn and then looked at Daddy...Daddy slapped me...

*9-year-old Yoongi POV*

I packed my things into my bag for school, happy to leave home. My brother knocked on the door.

"Ready to go, twerp?"

I nodded, putting on my backpack.

"Mom! He's ready!" Junki called.

I grabbed my hat before I walked out of my bedroom door. My mom sneered at me.

"You couldn't have been faster? Because of you, I'll be late for work."

"Sorry," I mumbled...

"Sorry doesn't cut it. I expect this whole house clean once you get home. Get in the car."

"Yes, ma'am..."


I was doodling in my notebook, not at all listening to the teacher. Soon, someone poked his shoulder.

"Hey...I would pay attention."

I looked up to see a boy, a smile bright as the sun, and ruffled dark brown hair.

I blinked at him.

"The teacher is coming over!" He said, turning to the front.

She walked over to us.

"Talking in class, are we?"

"So-Sorry ma'am..." The boy said.

I just looked at her.

"Both of your parents will be recieving a call."

"No! Please! Please don't call my parents!" I begged.

She just looked at me before walking away...

*At Home*

As soon as my parents walked in the door, I knew I was done for.

"Min Yoongi! Get down here, NOW!" My father growled.

I walked down and my father immediately gripped me by the hair.

"How dare you misbehave in class?! You made me leave during an important meeting at work just so your teacher could call me!"

I felt tears come to my eyes as I gripled at the hand that was gripping my hair, wanting him to put me down.

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