I woke up with a stiff back, and a head in my lap. I had fallen asleep sitting up and Ivy had fallen asleep in my lap. She claimed it was easier to read lying down last night. She knew I knew it was a lie. I had dance class later and Ivy had plans to go see Armani again. It was lovely to see how close they were. We said our goodbyes and promised to come home early and try to cook for dinner.

I went to class and began to stretch. I had a private with the choreographer today so they could see what I knew. We did the warmups, the positions, the jumps, leaps, and a simple audition routine everyone is supposed to do at the end of their first week. I was told I did a good job and I was given a studio to practice. I was practicing for about three hours before someone came in. Another new student. She introduced herself as Jasmine. We decided to do the dance together and try to help each other out. After we finished running it a few times,I invited her to dinner and she accepted. We planned to stick together in class and dinner would help us get to know each other. I told her I wasn't sure what we'd be having as me and Ivy never discussed the actual food part of cooking.

On the walk back we talked about our classes and what we want to do when we leave the school. I wasn't sure. All I knew is that whatever I end up doing with my writing, I wish to share it with Ivy.  Upon our arrival, I saw that Ivy was still out. I told Jasmine we could wait for about an hour and if she didn't come home soon, we could order in.

We ordered pizza and talked while we ate. We talked about books, music, movies, just the basic stuff to get to know each other. She was really funny and we had a good time talking. Towards the end, around 11, she had left and I was a little distracted. Worried about Ivy. Why wasn't she home. I really love her notes, but sometimes I wish she'd just get a phone. I decided to wait a bit longer, but if she wasn't home in an hour or so, I would leave to go check on her.

Ivy came in around 1. I was leaving to go look for her when she stumbled in. She's home. She's safe. That's all that matters. I helped her undress- the way she likes to sleep. I helped her brush her teeth. She took her ribbon off and picked a new one for bed. The dark blue with white lilies. This meant she was upset about something that didn't quite make sense to her at the time. She needed to think it through, preferably without me there. I walked out without another word.

I chose to spend the next day reading and writing in my room, because it had been a few days since I had a day to myself. Although, it didn't last long, because Jasmine called me and invited me out to the bookstore with her. I agreed and took a shower before I left. I was going to tell Ivy but I saw the blue and red ribbons tied around her door knob. I left without saying goodbye.

I met Jasmine at the store and when we walked in, I was immediately reminded of Ivy. The bookstore smell was just a given with her. We walked around for a while, but Jasmine was more interested in the comic books. I even thought a few looked cool enough to flip through while she was looking. When she picked her books, we went to the classic section and a few other sections for me. I got a portable Oscar Wilde book, that way I can carry his work around without having over 4 books with me. I didn't find much else. For me. I found at least four books for Ivy. Just simple stuff she had mentioned to me a while back. I decided to get three of them for her. Circe by Madeline Miller. A Midsummer's Night Eve by William Shakespeare. The King Must Die by Mary Renault. A solid three choices. I think this might help her cheer up. Though I'm still not sure what happened. Jasmine decided she wanted to get lunch before we went back to my room. We chose to eat at this little italian place about a block away from the bookstore. I wonder if Ivy had ever been here. We ordered our food and began to talk about dance, our books, and what we should do tonight since we have tomorrow off from lectures. I invited her to stay over at mine and she agreed. We chose to finish eating and go have a Harry Potter marathon.

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