Today we had reading and I had poetry. I had walked into the bathroom to get ready, and I saw an outfit with a note that read, ¨Pretty, yeah? Goes with your ribbon. :)¨ The smiley face completely endearing me, I got dressed.

It was a brown sweater, and dark green pants. It was something I would have picked out for myself if I had it. I gathered my books and took off. I waved goodbye to Ivy, who was in the kitchen, and headed out. The walk to class was long enough for me to think about the last time I had been given a ribbon by Ivy. It was a day before she started ignoring me. I really wondered what this ribbon meant, and what would happen after today.

In poetry, we turned in our reports and recited the poem to the teacher one by one, quiet enough not to hear the others. We were told to bring in our favorite poem for Friday and be prepared to read it, explain what we thought it meant, and why we loved it so much.
In reading, we turned in our reports and started a movie. We were watching CMBYN, which was a bit odd to me considering it had nothing to do with this class, but we were told to pay attention and we would finish it Friday.

After class I had dance practice, and it was the day of my audition for the team. I met up with Jasmine to see if I could run the dance a few times with her. I had invited Ivy to watch me audition and after we could go eat somewhere. She had shown up a little before they started so I had time to introduce Jasmine to her.  They were making small talk, which was weird to watch, so I took Jasmine away to run the dance once more.

When it was my turn to audition, I had become nervous, but I found Ivy and silently dedicated the performance to her, making me strive for perfection. Jasmine went and I saw a few technical mistakes, but overall she did very well. I can only hope we both make it. The post was set to go out this Saturday, since there were more performances to see.

Jasmine and I went to change back into our regular attire, and we headed out to find Ivy. Jasmine asked me what I was doing when we left, and I told her about dinner with Ivy. She sounded really happy that we were going to her favorite restaurant, and invited herself along. Ivy seemed about as thrilled as someone can when someone you don't know invited themself to hang out with you and your best friend.
¨Jas is lovely. You'll see.¨

She rolled her eyes, put on the fakest smile I have ever seen on Ivy, and walked away. It was so unnatural for her, it scared me. I walked next to her and put my arm through hers so she wouldn't stay upset all evening. It was my way of letting her know everything would be ok and after dinner we could go home and drink tea with no Jasmine. She was not convinced. I took my ribbon out of my hair and tied it on her wrist. She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder before walking away and starting a conversation with Jasmine. She was trying. Although, the conversation was a bit intense and interesting to hear.
Books - comics.
Coffee - tea.
Reading - movies.
Music led to types. Types led to classical. Classical led to instruments, which led to violin which led to me teaching them both and who was more advanced. They were discussing how much time they spent with me next.Trying to one up the other. I jumped in the conversation and pointed out how close we were to the restaurant. It was a little pizza shop. We ordered personal pizzas instead of a few to share. Ivy had finished about half of hers, and offered me the rest. I decided to take it home so we could eat it tomorrow. Jasmine ate all of hers, and when we were done we paid and left. Jasmine walked the other way to get to her house, as she lived off campus, and Ivy and I walked slowly home, as the moon was coming out and it felt nice outside. She linked our hands and watched the moon dance in the sky. I never thought when I came to school I would find such amazing people to be around. My new friends: Jasmine, Ivy, a few girls in my poetry class. It's just a lovely atmosphere around here so far.

Ivy and I made it home around 9:30, and we made some tea and put on Hercules to watch until bed.

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