The next few days of the break were spent with dance practice, movies, Jasmine, reading, tea, and Ivy seeing just how far the friendship boundary could be pushed. Overall, it was a very needed break. The last day before school started back, Ivy and I decided to go shopping. We walked around town and just stopped at stores that looked like there was something we could find. I found a pair of green pants, like the ones Ivy let me borrow. I found a few other shirts, and two pairs of pants. We ate out at a sushi bar, and went home at a decent hour. The rest of the day we sat under blankets and drank tea. Resting before school started back.


    I woke up the next day and got ready for my classes. Since we had a week-long break, my professors wanted to meet every class today. I had creative writing first, and we were assigned a story that was at least half a written page. It could be about anything, just to get us back into the class with a grade. We had a project coming up soon, so this was set to pass the next two days. I chose to write about the Sun and Moon, because I had overheard someone talking about how sad it was that they were in love but could never really see each other. This inspired me to write about what they had said.

It was entitled: stop trying so hard
The story of the Sun and the Moon is not a sad one.
People tend to think they can never see each other.
That they are forever apart.

Their story is my favorite to tell because their love is above all other things.
The moon shines because of the sun. And in turn, the sun shines because of the moon.
They shine together showing off how they feel to everyone.

People who can't see this are often forgetful of the fact that they interact right before us.
Sometimes, we look up and we can see the moon out in the day.
This is because they have been apart a few days and choose to stay together.

When the sun sets, and the moon rises they have that hour together in the sky.
They hug and talk, and it's something beautiful to see.
The sun and the moon aren't sad.
They remind everyone of you and me.

I turned it in before we left the lecture, although I could have waited to do so tomorrow. I chose to turn it in today so I could work on other stuff tomorrow, or skip the lecture altogether. My next class was poetry. We were told to make a list of our top three favorite poets and explain why they were our favorite. I chose to go with Oscar Wilde as my top favorite, of course. I went with his most popular work, The Picture of Dorian Gray, because it had my favorite quote in it. ¨Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic¨ I think it really made people think about what he meant, although it was transparent. My other two were William Shakespeare, and Edgar Allen Poe. Cliche choices, but they are most popular for a reason.

In reading, I sat next to Ivy and asked what it was we were to do, since I was a minute late. She explained that we were just reading today. Anything we wanted as long as we did a report on it. I had decided to do my report on a book I read a few weeks ago, and started the report early. Ivy must have done the same thing, as she finished a little before me. We both got done within fifty minutes and had a bit of time to talk. We talked about my show coming up with dance, my first competition. It was set to be this Saturday, and I had already called Mary to tell her. Knowing she was going to be there next to Ivy made me nervous. Mary had these ideas about Ivy and I that were so just so far off from the truth, but I was hoping she would make this about me and not mention any of it to Ivy. Although, I was quite excited to introduce them. Mary would love Ivy.

Ivy helped me run through my solo every day after class, so I knew I would be rather prepared. I also knew in about three hours, she would be running it with me again. We left reading, said goodbye, and went our separate ways. Ivy headed to the bakery, and I went to English. Today we had to take a test on something we had been learning over the past few weeks. It was simple stuff having to do with grammar. ¨To help us with our midterms.¨

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