The next day Mary had woken us up early to get ready. We had to take her to the town like Ivy had promised at the start of the week. We walked through a hundred stores, and Mary bought tons of new dresses, hats, and kitchen stuff that I was fairly sure she didn't need. She took us out to eat, before announcing she would be leaving in two hours. We took her home to pack, and when she was done she hugged me for the longest time. We said our goodbyes, and she kept telling me how well I did today. She moved on to Ivy, and when she hugged her I saw her whisper something in her ear. Neither would tell me what she had said, so I decided to drop it for now. She promised to come back soon, and invited Ivy and I to London one day for our next break. We told her we'd see her then, and she headed out.

Ivy wanted to go to the bakery to see Armani for a bit, so I said I would probably be asleep when she came home. She decided to stay at their house for the night, and we would hang out tomorrow sometime. I hugged her goodbye and she left promising to not be home late tomorrow. I don't know why she felt the need to promise that, she was her own person, and alone time was always necessary. However, it was quite nice to have her telling me she'll come home to me soon so I wasn't worried. She left and I walked passed the couch towards my room.

The end of October went by so quickly. Halloween week we went to haunted houses, costume parties, fall festivals, carnivals, anything and everything. Ivy had claimed we needed to go in a different costume every time. Sometimes I was a ballerina, and she would be a butterfly. Others we went for different things and I would be a football player, kicking the ball around some while also holding it when it got crowded, while she was a vampire. We really had fun with the makeup, and costumes this year. I could see myself with her every halloween and that scared me. I could imagine how Christmas would go. Ivy, Mary, and I in London to celebrate the holidays. Helping Mary set up the tree, watching Ivy bake, going out in the snow with Ivy.


I had a dance competition today. I was entered with a solo ballet piece. I was dancing in a blue and black tutu, with transparent tights. This competition had been a surprise, so Ivy had not been able to come. There were only a few girls here from our team, because this was strictly ballet, and that was my forte.

I was running the dance until someone from the crew came and got me to take me to the wings. I was nervous, but I knew the dance, I liked the music, and I was in love with my costume. I had heard rumors of scouts being here to recruit for schools. I was only here to do my best and hopefully I could score a win to report back to Ivy.

I was called on stage. I walked out and got in starting postition. I had focused too much on the music all throughout rehearsal. Today, I just went through the motions the best I could, and I really felt the music weave through every rib, every breathe I took a new note coming out. I finished, walked off stage, and couldnt contain the smile on my face. I wish Ivy had been here to see me.

When awards were over, I had walked back to the dressing room to change. I was on my way back to my car, after saying bye to the girls. They all congradulated me on getting second. I was stopped a little before the exit of the building. A man had come up to me and told me he was with the Lys Ballet School. He offered me a free spot to come and audition for them, as most people would have to pay an audition fee with a few others I was sure. I was ecstatic, I had always loved to dance. I never knew I would be able to touch the heart of others through moving, but when the music hit, I was a different person. Of course, I was not aware I had that big of an impact until Ivy had told me. I told him I would love to audition, and he helped me register, and gave me the address, date, and time for my audition. I heard he had offered a few other girls and a few guys a spot as well, so I knew I would have to practice. I called my instructor on the way home to tell her. She said I would have to practice my dance every day until I was in the audition, I knew it would take up a lot of my time, but it would be worth it.

I got home to tell Ivy, but I couldn't find her. I looked for a note, but there was nothing there either. I could go to the bakery, but I was tired from today, and I decided to rest and wait for her to arrive home.

Ivy came home a little after me, and when she did I jumped on her and told her everything. She stumbled a bit trying to catch and support me, and told me I had to slow down. She threw me on the couch, and jumped beside me already excited for what I had to say just by my reaction to her coming home. I told her everything about today, leaving out the scout until I was done telling her everything else. I don't know why, but after seeing her I had lost some of my excitement and I wasn't sure I wanted to tell her anymore. She prompted me to tell her anyway, and I did. I took in her reaction, not that there was much of one to take in. She just sat there for a minute, blinking at me.

¨You were bound to get offered a spot. Serray, you are.¨
I felt the sun hit my face, but I also felt the wind in my eyes. They were burning. I felt them start to fill up with water, and I blinked a few times to dry them out, but it just made them fall faster. Ivy just pulled me to her and rubbed my arm a few times.
¨You can't just think about the leaving part. You have to try your best at the audition, if you think of me, you will only sabotage your chances. I can always come see you in shows. I don't disappear just because you leave.¨

I was thinking about leaving. What about our home? What about our ribbons, our reading spot in the back, our note spot on the counter. I hadn't thought this part through. I knew that whatever happened, I wanted it to happen with Ivy.
¨ I wish to fail. If I fail I won't lose you.¨
She frowned at me. Told me to never say that to her again, and walked off to bed.

Shorter chapters today, I have more coming soon. Is anyone enjoying this? Feel free to leave a comment:)

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