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The twins ran as fast as they could.

Bruce was in front, his hand pulling Ava to match his pace.

"Do you think any of them followed us Brucie?"

Ava asked as she ran behind him, counting the steps, as she was the navigator and he was the speed.

"I'm sure of it. Daddy has most of them but I definitely saw at least one following us."

Ava hummed thoughtfully, still counting.


Bruce turned sharply, following her instruction, in the direction that she pointed.

They saw the creek and sped up, following it like they were told to.

Something tugged at Ava's ankle and she screamed in surprise as she was knocked forward.

Bruce looked back and saw one of the creatures. He felt like freezing but knew that he couldn't.

He kicked it backwards and grabbed Ava, pulling her back up onto her feet and doubling their pace.

As soon as they reached the logs, he shot off in the direction of the building that they'd been told to go to.

Ava was lagging slightly, still quite disoriented by the scratches that the creature had left on her ankle.

"Ava! Snap out of it! You're gonna get us caught!"

She looked at her brother and her eyes widened as she shook her head. She told herself that she had to be strong because their daddy was distracting the others so that they could get help.

"Okay, Brucie!"

They ran as fast as they could, stumbling less now that they were both once again aware of their current situation.

"I think I see it Ava!"

Bruce called and they sped up, running as fast as they could out of the trees.

They jumped out of the way, as a car screeched to a stop, just behind them, with a thump.

The creature was on the floor in front of it, having been hit.

"Oh god! Did I hit somebody?!" The man climbed out of the car, frazzled.

Ava nodded at him as she began pulling Bruce towards the apartment block that they could now see.

"Yes. Thank you."

The man looked confused and the creature pulled itself away into the darkness of the trees, retreating for the moment, out of the man's sight.

Ava and Bruce opened the entrance door and closed it firmly behind themselves, making sure that nothing inhuman could get in.

Bruce turned around to see Ava looking at the stairs sadly.

"Brucie~!" She whined and made grabby hands, puppy eyes on full power.

He sighed but crouched beside her, letting his twin climb onto his back.

"Thank you Brucie! I love you!"

He sighed but smiled at his sister anyway, weak to her influence.

They took 5 minutes to reach the top, where Ava climbed off his back with a spring in her step and Bruce had to sit and catch his breath for a moment.

He gave her the stink eye but she just hugged him lovingly.

"You're going to be big and strong, like daddy, when we're older."

Bruce smiled and kissed her cheek, standing up, breath once again stable.

"Daddy said to just knock, right?"

Ava asked as they looked up at the large, sliding, metal doors.


She stepped forward but Bruce grabbed her hand in his own, bringing his own arm up to knock thrice on the door.

They waited, hearing voices on the other side of the entrance and what sounded like shushing.

After what felt like forever to the twins, the door slid open, revealing a tall man with dark hair, stubble and a surprised face.

"Wha- Children?"

They looked at him curiously, he reminded them of someone but they didn't know who.

Bruce suddenly turned to Ava with wide eyes.

"Remember the story about the guy in Mexico?"

Ava nodded and also looked at the guy, recognising him from the story.

"It must be!"

The man cleared his throat and crouched down in front of them.

"Hi. I'm Derek. What are you doing here?"

Ava stepped closer and let her eyes water slightly, a little trick that her Daddy had taught her. Though he claimed to regret it, whenever she turned it on him.

"Nasty monsters chased us through the woods. They were smelly with big teeth and bats!"

Derek nodded and held out his hand to Ava, standing up.

"Do you both want to come inside? My friends and I may be able to help."

Ava nodded and held his hand, using the other to rub the tears from her eyes.

Bruce just shook his head at his sister's antics, no matter how often she did it, you could never resist the tears.

Derek closed the door behind them and lead the twins into the loft.

There were a lot of people in the room, all of which looked over the second they entered.

Ava noticed a girl with strawberry blonde hair and her eyes lit up. She remembered the stories about daddy's friend who had a banshee scream and could find death.

She let go of Derek's hand and went over to the pretty lady, who was sat with some other pretty ladies.

"Your hair is so pretty." She sounded awestruck and looked wide eyed as she spoke to the lady.

"Thank you. Yours is very pretty too. My name's Lydia. What's yours?"

Ava smiled happily at the lady.

"My name's Ava and that's my twin Brucie." She spoke as she pointed to herself and then her brother. He nodded and waved, still shadowing Ava's movements.

Lydia pulled Ava to sit down next to her and spoke gently, aiming the question at them both.

"Why are you here? I heard you said monsters?"

(Hope you enjoyed! Comment and vote!)

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