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Doretha is biting her lip anxiously as she sits on the hotel bed as I pack up the last of our stuff and the children nap in preparation for the long journey.

Giving up on the packing for a moment, I move and pull Dot from the bed and over to the sofa where I then sit and pull her onto my lap. She's straddling me and buries her face in my neck, I can feel her taking in deep inhales of the smell of me and her exhales tickle my neck.

I gently move my arms around her back and pull her impossibly closer to me not a part of us is separate.

"You gonna tell me what's troubling you then baby?" I hum into her ear quietly so as to not wake up Maddy or Chris.

"I-I'm just getting in my head about everything."

"I know." I sigh and stroke her back in long soothing motions.

"How do you know?" She mumbled slightly grumpily into my neck.

I huff a laugh and dislodge her from her little nest, I'm now looking into her eyes as she is mine. "I know...." I kiss her nose. "Because..." another kiss "I know you."

"Oh." She flushes a gentle blush over her high cheekbones and unable to help myself I pull her in for a gentle kiss. It's passionate but not frantic, more like an ember burning in core of us both instead of a fire. I shift my hips slightly and Doretha lets out a little gasp, biting her lip in embarrassment.

Oh yeah, friction. Oops.

I smirk at her and give her a guilty glance to which she smiles bashfully and hides her face in my neck once again. I love making my English girl blush.


The confused little voice causes Dot to immediately pull back away from me and climb off my lap. Maddy is sitting up on the bed and clinging to her bigger teddy as the tears streak down her face.  Chris is still sleeping but it warms my heart that she called for Dot in her time of fear.

"Maddy sweetheart, what's wrong." She whispers as she picks her up and away from Chris. She sits next to me on the couch and Maddy cries quietly into Dot's chest.

Shuffling closer to the pair of them I wrap my arm around Doretha's shoulder and stroke my finger over Maddy's cheek until she calms down.

Dot gently rocks Maddy in her arms while softly hushing her with quiet words.

"That better sweetie?"

Maddy nods slightly, unsurely at first but eventually more surely. She keeps her face pressed into her mum and but I can feel her relaxing into the embrace.

"You want to talk about what upset you?" Doretha whispers into Maddy's mess of curls before gently kissing her head a few times.

"I-I had a bad dream."

"Oh my darling." Dot lifts Maddy closer into her arms and smothers her little cheeks in kisses until Maddy is smiling slightly at her.

"Want to talk about what happened Mads?" I question as I stroke her little cheek once again as Dot continues to hold her in her arms.

"I-I got l-left alone. You were a-all gone."

My heart breaks, of course she's having nightmares about all this, she's been through so much in her short life. Seeing countless children be left and abandoned as we as herself. It will take us some time to gain enough of her trust for her to trust that we aren't going anywhere.

The only positive I can see coming from this upset is the fact that she called out for Dot in fear. She already needs her mother.


The airport is packed with travellers so I scoop Maddy up into my arms so I know she's safe and not going anywhere. We made it through customs easily, a family like I have now is never going to get stopped by airport security. No one batted an eyelid at the passports that Hacker sent us for the children. The things that man can do with a computer are terrifying.

Only Bolt had a slight amount of trouble getting through customs, he had to get a full body check and pat down. Apparently a six foot five biker dressed in full leather and coated in tattoos is an unusual sight at an airport. And by unusual I mean suspicious.

We had a burger from the Burger King and then waited for our flight. Chris was dozing on Dot's shoulder, Maddy whispered to me quietly that Chris never slept well because he worried about people taking her in his sleep. It's good to see him feeling safe around us.

"I bored papa." Maddy whines and I almost miss the fact she called me 'papa' but I don't. I'm immediately ready to give her the world.

"Oh you are? Are you Mads? Let's do something about that then."

She beams up at me and stands from her seat beside me holding out her little hand for me to take. Which I do of course.

We wander through the airport shops, stopping to smell the nice perfumes every once in a while. They make Maddy sneeze a few times and it takes everything I have not to aww like a damn woman.

"Uh hey..." a flirtatious voice comes into my earshot and I turn from where Maddy is standing looking at all the watches. Before me is a tall shop assistant in a ridiculously tight skirt and a pinched bitchy expression.

I look her down scornfully, she's got nothing on my Doretha.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" She asks in a sinfully outrageous tone, her hand reaching out to trace my bicep. I jerk out of her reach.

"Nope we're fine. Thank you." I hope that bringing up my daughter will cats the very clear message that I'm not interested in her or her advances.

To make a point I turn to look back down at Maddy but when my eyes fall to where I left her, it's empty.

My heart immediately jumps from my throat. I spin around, casting my eyes around the floor of the shop. It's empty save for one elderly couple.

"Maddy! Maddy?" I call, trying to desperately hide the panic from my voice as I walk from the shop as fast as I can. Running in an airport is never a good idea.

I check the nearest two shops and she's still not there. I can feel tears almost falling from my eyes.

I can't loose her too.

"Maddy! Maddy sweetie where are you?"

The airport floor is packed with people and the noise is closing in on me.

She's gone.

Deciding that logic needs to rule now I head in the direction of security desk but before I can move beyond a few steps something latches onto my leg and clings on tightly.

It's Maddy.

I bend down and scoop her sobbing form into my eyes and cradle her close finally feeling air reentering my lungs.

"Oh Maddy I'm so sorry. I'm so very very sorry my baby."

"I thought you with me, b-but you gone."

"It's ok Mads, I'm with you now. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

MC's Viking Warriors- Viper #3 Where stories live. Discover now