Chapter Seventeen-

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Chapter 17-

“Babe, get up!” Niall whines, but I turn my back on him, shoving my face further into the pillow I groan.

“No!” my muffled voice yells out and I hear him chuckle softly.  He wants me to go out shopping with him and Zayn, but right now nothing sounds better then sleeping.  We were up late last night watching films and talking with everyone.

So excuse me if I’m not exactly in the mood to leave and go shopping with the two guys.  I’m really not the type of person to go to sleep late, and when I do I pay for it in the morning…

“I’ll tickle you,” he whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

“Go ahead,” I mumble into the pillow once again, his threat doesn’t scare me.  I’m staying in this bed if it’s the last thing I do. 

“Well, if you insist,” Niall tells me, I prepare myself for the tickling, but when it never comes I open my eyes to see Niall climbing into the bunk with me.

“Niall!” I yell out laughing as he gets into the bed with me.  It’s really tight so, he puts me on top of him, which is nothing I’m complaining about.

“What?  You said you weren’t leaving so I guess neither of us are,” he tells me and I smile at that.  He really is super sweet.

“That’s sweet and all Niall, but this is really not the best spot for this.  There is barely enough room for me, let alone both of us,” I tell him with a small laugh.  He sighs then looks up at me with his shining blue eyes that I could stare into for days.  I give him a small smile blushing slightly.

“Darn, looks like we’ll both have to get up and go shopping,” he tells me and I nod.

“Yeah, you’re right,” I say getting up from bed after he does.  Wait…

“Hey!  You tricked me!” I yell before trying to climb back into the bunk, but Niall bets me to it.  He grabs me around the waist and sets me down on the ground.

“I don’t think so, go get dressed,” he tells me planting a kiss on my cheek.  I blush at that and pout.

“Fine, but you’re mean,” I tell him like a toddler sulking after being put in timeout.  As I start to walk away Niall grabs my hand pulling me back to him.

He lowers his head and his lips meet mine.  Moving slowly and softly with mine, he pulls me closer.  I let out a sigh at how nice it feels.  Then he backs up and the warmness leaves my lips.

“Still think so?” he asks me with a playful glint in his eye.  I send him a small smile.

“No,” I tell him truthfully.  Then I walk away to get ready.  Why did I tell them last night I would come with?  Oh that’s right because I wasn’t thinking.

I hate going shopping, shocking right?  I always have, and I probably always will.  My heels start to hurt when we walk, and then I wish I just would have stayed home.  So to solve that problem, I just stay home… Then people come along and make me come with them.

I walk to the bathroom door and knock, when no one says anything I open the door only to wish I hadn’t.

“Boo!” Louis screams as I open the door, this causing me to fall backwards, and before I can catch myself I lose my footing and fall back into the table smacking my head I feel a sharp pain going through me.

“Ow,” I mutter under my breathe trying to hold the spot where I hit my head, at least it isn’t bleeding, but it sure kills.

“Oh my God, I didn’t mean to hurt you Taylor!  Are you ok?” he asks coming down to my level I hit him away as I sit up a bit.

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