Chapter Three-

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Chapter 3-

Niall’s POV

She is beautiful.  The way her hair flows down her shoulders, her sparkling blue eyes remind me of the ocean, and her long legs seem to go on forever.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful girl in my life.  She’s not one of those girls you look at and think, ‘Wow she is so sexy’ no.  When I look at her I think of sweet innocent things, she is gorgeous.

“Umm, hi,” she waves shyly at us.  Wow she is shy, what for?  All I can think right now is, I’m going to help this girl out of her shell, and I’m going to show her that she shouldn’t have a single insecurity.

As every one around me continues to talk to her I can’t keep my eyes off of her, she is so incredibly different, it’s refreshing.

“Wait so you know who we are, but you aren’t freaking out.  Does that mean you’re not a fan?” Zayn gives her a fake pout.  She gives another shy smirk.

“I am,” she smiles up at all of us.  I can’t help but return the smile.

“So no freak out?” I ask her raising an eyebrow.

“Taylor doesn’t fan girl,” Jessica explains to us.  We nod, I get the feeling she doesn’t feel comfortable with us continuously talking to her.

“You guys want to sit down?” Jessica asks.

“Sounds good love,” Louis smiles down at her and the two walk out of the room, those two are so love struck.  The only person that seems to be more important to Jessica is Taylor.  She never told us why the only family she still talks to is Taylor.  Maybe Taylor is her only sibling?

I look around to see the other boys’ faces, Zayn is smirking at Taylor’s behind as she walks away, I smack his arm and he sends me a glare.

“What?  I’m human,” he mumbles sounding slightly guilty.  I shake my head disapprovingly.  I turn to see Liam following her out of the room; he has Danielle so he definitely doesn’t have an interest in her.  Then there is Harry, he has been depressed lately, and he didn’t look like he even wanted to come here.

We all leave the area by the door and make our way into the living room.  Their apartment isn’t huge, but it’s not small ether.  It’s pretty decent size for two people.

“So is it just you two living here?” Liam asks as we notice there is a third bedroom.

“Umm, yeah,” Jessica says almost sadly.  She looks over at Taylor with a concerned face.  Taylor is sitting down on the couch, looking at the ground sadly.  Living arrangements is a rough subject? Noted.

“So Taylor, what do you like to do?” Liam questions.  Typical Liam for you, he’s never happy if it’s awkward silence.

“She won’t admit it but, she can play guitar and is the best artist I know,” Jessica smiles.

“You play guitar?” I smile at her.  She nods her head and I grin at her.

“That’s amazing, I play too.  Maybe we can play together sometime?” I ask her.

“I don’t really play in front of people,” she blushes.

“Do you play in front of Jessica?” I question her.

“Yeah, but that’s different, Jess is the only person I trust,” she explains to me.  Everyone else is now in conversation so its only Taylor and I talking.  I notice Louis is being uncharacteristically quiet.  He was really nervous before we came over here, I wonder why?

“The only person?” I question.  She has to trust someone else.

“Yup,” she nods.

“You’ve never trusted anyone else?” I ask her.  There has to be a reason Jessica is the only person Taylor trusts.

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