Chapter Twentytwo-

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Chapter 22-

“Baby,” I heard someone whisper in my ear I giggle at the ticklish feeling I got by their breath.  Soon I felt a light feathery kiss on my forehead.  A smile slipped on to my face and I wrapped my arms around Niall’s neck as he hovered over me.

“I love you,” saying it with as much meaning as I could muster into those three words.  He then kissed both my cheeks before stealing a kiss from my lips.

“I love you,” he said it back with just as much sincerity.  I smiled up at him and he raised a hand to brush the lose hair that found its way across my face.

“It’s time to get out of bed sleepy head.  You, Jess, and I have a trip to make today.” Niall whispers gently to me.  I groan at his sentence and put my hands over my eyes.  He is making us sit down and talk with Caden, since he has obviously been updated on the whole thing.

“I understand you are hurt, but you have already missed part of your life with your brother.  Do you really want to miss anymore?” he asks me and I sigh shaking my head.

“No.” I answer him quietly.  He pulls me up out of bed giving me one last kiss before walking out, and leaving me to get dressed.  I sigh hopping out of bed then slipping on a pair of shorts and slipping on a comfy shirt.  I walk out of the room to find Niall and Jessica by the door ready to leave, and waiting on me.

As soon as we get into the car the tension in the car is thick.  Niall is sitting in the back with me while Jess is driving in the front.  Niall holds my hand as if knowing I currently need the comfort.  Too soon we are sitting in front of Caden’s hotel.  We get out of the car and Niall and I walk hand in hand to the dreaded hotel room.  I take on final nervous breath before Jess knocks on the door.

Caden answers the door with Tessa in his arms.  He moves out of the way indicating that we should walk into the room.  We do as expected and then sit down in an awkward silence.

“So…” Caden draws out, obviously hating the silence.  Jess and I look at each other before she opens her mouth to speak.

“We are obviously still hurt, but we need to talk it out, for all of our sanities.” Jess points out as Rachael walks into the room and sits next to Caden wrapping her arm around him for support.  I couldn’t get any words to leave my mouth, so Niall, being the great man he is, decides to speak for me.

“When I met Taylor a few months ago she was lost, and broken.  She didn’t know where her brother was and why he had left her.  She refused to sleep on the freaking floor for chrips sake.  All because it brought back too many memories of her best friend, brother, and role model.  Taylor tried her best but let’s be honest she had big shoes to fill and she couldn’t be her parent, and her sibling at the same time, but for so long that’s what was forced upon her.  I respect you Caden, I do, and I also understand why you made the choices you did.  Do I agree with them? No.  Understand them? Yes. The thing is the fact that you left these two completely broken girls shows your true colors and I’m sorry but I can’t watch the girl I love fall apart everyday because her brother turned out to be as bad as her parents and left her.  So please stop with the excuses and be a man and fix what you have messed up.” Niall lectured as we all stared at him in disbelief.

“Niall…” I start, but Caden is quick to interrupt.

“No Tay, he is right.  I made a mistake, I thought I was protecting you baby girl.  I never thought that in reality I was just hurting you both.” Caden tells us looking and sounding totally sincere.

“You replaced us,” I whispered, not being able to hold back the thought that had been repeating in my head.  Everyone in the room was silent as they stared at me.  Niall wrapped an arm around me and pulled me on to his lap, placing a kiss on top of my forehead.  Caden looked totally lost and confused.

Fixing a Broken Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon