Chapter Seven-

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Chapter 7-

Louis’ POV

“Should we walk in now, or wait and pretend we didn’t hear anything?” Harry asks us in a hushed tone.  I shrug my shoulders and look towards the ground; it’s all I can manage.  I’m a bit shaken up about all that Taylor said.  She has no idea how beautiful she really is.  I mean yes my girlfriend is very beautiful, but that doesn’t make Taylor any less pretty.

“I want her to know I heard,” Niall speaks up confidently and we all look at him.  I have my suspicions, I think Niall likes her, but we can’t have that.  I don’t want to go against what Jessica said, so the boys can’t like her.  Even if I think these boys might be what’s best for her.

“How could you say that Tay,” Jessica starts but is immediately cut off.

“No Jess, stop there.  I don’t want excuses, and lies.  I know what’s true, so please drop it,” Taylor says sounding like she is close to tears if not crying.

Niall acts right away; he starts walking in the room pulling Zayn in with him.  We all follow wondering what he is going to do.

“Hey guys,” he smiles once he is in the room.  He sends a small frown in Taylor’s direction, letting her know silently that he heard everything.  The rest of us just look at the ground awkwardly.  Both of the girls look up shocked, Taylor terrified.

“I didn’t know you guys were coming back so soon,” Jessica speaks up.  Clearing her throat, she is obviously close to tears.  I walk over to her and engulf her into a tight embrace.

“How much did you guys hear?” she whispers in my ear, her voice sounding shaky.

“Taylor bringing her self down, that’s all,” I whisper back.  Kissing her cheek as I pull away.  She nods at me and a single tear slides down her cheek, so I wipe it away for her.  She smiles up slightly at me and I return it.

“We’ll talk about it later,” I whisper before turning back around to face everyone else.  They are all ether watching the TV or looking at Jessica and I.

“Taylor, can we talk in another room?” I ask getting her attention.

“No thank you,” she says looking back to the TV not moving from her spot.

“Please?” I ask her hoping she’ll want to.

“Louis she said no, leave it,” Jessica says from behind me.  I have to admit, it hurts when she always picks Taylor over me, but that’s true family for you, and I admire her for that.  I let out a breath before responding.

“Fine, we’ll talk here,” I say walking towards her and sitting next to her on the couch.  She looks uneasy by our closeness and inches over slightly.

“Do you trust me?” I ask her once I’m settled in next to her.

“No,” she states.

“Why not?” I ask her.  I know we’ve been over her not trusting people, but I want to clear something up with her.

“I don’t trust anyone, but Jess,” she tells me.

“Well why?” I ask her again.  She looks at me from the side with a slightly annoyed expression.  I am very well aware of the audience we have starring at us.

“Does it matter?” she asks.  I can feel her getting more and more distant.

“Yes, so tell me please,” I try to convince her.  She lets out a sigh before she continues talking.

“When I put my trust in people they let me down.  Every time, Jessica is the only one who hasn’t let me down,” she tells me and I nod slightly taking it in.

Fixing a Broken Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon