Chapter Twelve-

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Chapter 12-

“Dear Jess,”Jessica starts then takes a huge breath to continue as she reads me the letter.

“I don’t know when you’ll be reading this letter, but by now I’m sure you and Taylor have notice some things are missing. I’m sorry for that. I needed them for personal reasons I can’t share with you guys. It’s been awhile huh?” Jessica stops there taking another breath to calm herself down.

“I’m sorry I can’t be there for you two. I see that you two no longer live here… I hope you guys made a fresh start for yourselves. You’re modeling now I see. Don’t let the fame go to your head or anything. Remember it’s no longer just about you, Taylor is a priority. I know I have no room to talk, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you two. Please don’t forget that.” She continues quietly looking up to look my in the eye. I wipe my tears away then nod for her to continue.

“I left some more money for you guys, use it for whatever, I know it won’t make up for all that I’ve put you guys through, but at least it’s something. Tell Taylor I miss her so much and I love her to death, and I’m sorry things are the way they are.

Stay strong Jess I know you can, hang in there for you and Tay. I love you to death as well, and I miss you like crazy.

P.s. Tell that boyfriend of yours to treat you right, or I will come and find him. Watch out for Taylor she needs you just like you need her, never forget that. Family forever.

Lastly, I will see you soon. We will see each other again. I promise.

Love, Caden.” She ends at that and the room stays silent we all say nothing. Then Louis speaks up.

“Whats that on the back of it?” he asks and we all look at the note to see something is written on the back.

Taylor turns it around then reads it out loud.

“I found your watch on the counter and didn’t want anything to happen to it, so I put it in the draw with the silverware.” She reads out loud and a smile breaks out on her face and she runs over to the draw, opening it up see slips the watch on looking as happy as ever.

I on the other hand, feel like I need to crawl into a ball and cry for the rest of my life. So I do the first thing I can think of. Run. I run up to my room and climb into bed while Jess and the others call after me.

I just want my brother. Why can’t he come see us now? Why does he have to hide? I miss him so much. I my sobbing is embarrassingly loud and I can feel my whole body shaking. I feel sick now too.

Then I feel the bed dip next to me, but I don’t look up. I just continue to cry. The person lies down next to me and I turn around snuggling close into their chest, which makes it obvious they are definitely a guy. They lay their arm over my waist and bring me closer to them. I continue to sob, but my shaking calms down a bit with the comfort.

“Shh, everything is going to be ok,” an Irish accent whispers in my ear. That sends chills down my spine.

“What if it’s not?” I ask him softly looking up into his eyes. He reaches his hand up and wipes the tears from my cheeks then speaks softly to me.

“Then you have me,” he answers with a small kind smile.


Niall’s POV-

Jessica smiles at us looking so happy she found her watch. It’s just a watch, why is it that important? I look over at Taylor to see her expression. During the whole letter I watched her. Making sure she was ok, but she wasn’t.

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