Chapter Six-

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Chapter 6-

“Come on,” I hear Louis say to Jessica as he brings her into the living room.

“Harry?  Niall?  One of you get Taylor,” Louis yells from the living room.  They both get up and grab my hands and pull me into the room.  Once I’m there I collapse into the couch my eyes can’t take it anymore, the tears start flowing down my cheeks.

“What’s wrong?” Louis asks us.  Jessica looks at me then back to Louis.

“It’s up to Taylor, I won’t say anything without her approval,” Jessica informs him.  Louis looks at me and I still don’t say anything.

“She obviously isn’t going to talk, please Jess.  Tell me,” he pleads with her.  I look at Jess curious at how she is going to respond to that.

“No, I said it’s up to Tay and I meant it!” she tells him sternly.  Louis gives her a confused look then slightly nods.  I lean over and grab Jessica’s arm.  She turns to me and I give her a nod, telling her it’s ok to tell him.  She raises her eyebrows at me.

“Are you sure?  I don’t have too?” she asks.  I just nod my head.  She lets out a breath then begins to explain.

“Two years ago today, our brother left us,” she says simply.

“Your brother Caden?” Louis asks and she nods.

“What do you mean by left?  Like is he dead?” Louis asks looking confused.

“You never went into depth when you said you had an older brother named Caden,” he adds at the end.  Jessica sucks in a breath then continues her story.

“He didn’t die.  As you know my parents were never there for us when we were growing up.  Taylor, Caden, and I were all each of us had.  When Taylor was sixteen and I eighteen, Caden left us in the middle of the night.  He left us a note…” she pauses wiping her tears.  I can tell she is really trying not to break down.

“He never said why he was leaving us, we just know that he did.  We needed him, and he left us.  Taylor and him were like best friends and he left her!  She needed him more then anything!” Jessica says breaking down and slamming her fists down on the couch.  I lean over and grab her hands both of us sobbing now.  She looks me in the eyes and shakes her head pulling me in a hug.

“I had you Jessica, you’re the person who never let me down.  That’s all that matters,” I tell her with a reassuring smile.  When we break from our embrace we look around the room and for the first time I notice that we have an audience staring at us, each holding a different expression.

Louis is looking at Jessica with concern.  Liam is looking with pity at us.  Zayn is starring at the ground, seeming to be deep in thought.  Harry is just looking at me as if he realizes something now.  Then Niall, he’s starring at me right in the eye and mouths the words, “Are you ok?”  I just nod slightly and he offers me a small smile, but I can’t bring myself to return the smile.

“Sorry guys,” Jessica speaks up.

“We totally understand,” Liam speaks for the boys.

“So how long was it just you three at your house?” Harry asks.

“Well, it was like that practically our whole lives, but it got extreme when Taylor was just fourteen years old.  Our parents figured they could leave for four years and just stop by a couple months a year,” Jessica explained.  They all nod taking in the information.

“So you and Caden pretty much raised Taylor the last four years?” Zayn asks.

“No,” Jessica shook her head.  They all raise they’re eyebrows at her.

Fixing a Broken Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon