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"What's gonna happen to your friends ?" Bucky finally spoke up , breaking the silence.

Steve sighs before answering. "Whatever it is...I'll deal with it."

"I dont know if we're worth all this , Steve." I say knowing Bucky feels the same.

"What you two did all those wasnt you. You didnt have a choice."

"I know." I say and look down , clenching my eyes shut. "But we did it."

Steve didnt say anything in response , he just turned back to the view in front of him.

Bucky took my hand in his and rubbed small circles on my palm , like he always did to calm me down. I smiled sadly and rested my head on his shoulder.

Steve landed the jet outside of the old Siberia base where Bucky and I used to be held. "You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve said as the landing door of the jet opened. 

"Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs ?" Bucky replies

"You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for Amelia."

"God 3 bucks was so expensive back then. How old are we ?" I comment as Bucky looked at me with a smile , showing no regrets.

"Like...almost a hundred." 

I laughed to myself. "We look pretty good for our ages huh ?"

We approached the entrence to the base to see that the doors were already open. "Couldnt have been here more than a few hours." Steve observes.

"Long enough to wake them up." I counter

As we took the elevator that I rode so many times down , I could feel the nerves bubbling in my stomach. I didnt think I'd ever have to come back here , but here I am. Back at a HYRDA base with my best friend and brother , stopping another evil maniac.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors open. Steve nodded to us before lifting the gate. Bucky stepped out first with his sniper ready to shoot , me in the middle , and Steve in the back with his shield ready to protect us with it.

We started up a small set of stairs when a loud thud and creaking caught our attention. Bucky raised his gun and Steve kneeled down to use his shield to block us. I held my hands to my side , a light blue mist floating around them.  

The door opens further to reveal none other than the Iron Man , Tony Stark. The amount of times his father tried to hit on me was adorable.  "You seem a little defensive." Tony says , his helmet falling back as he aproaches us.

"It's been a long day." Steve replies , cautiously approaching him with his shield raised. Bucky still had his gun aimed at the man.

"At ease soldier and glow stick I'm not currently after you."  Tony says and I lower my hands , letting the engery sink back into my veins. But Bucky keeps his gun raised.

"Then why are you here ?"

"Could be your story's not so crazy. maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise , I gotta arrest myself."

"Well , that sounds like a lot of paperwork."  Steve says and lowers his shield. "It's good to see you , Tony."

"You too , Cap. Hey , Manchurian Candidate , you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop."  Tony said to Bucky and Steve motioned for Bucky to stand down.

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