ch. 10

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Blade POV
My dad, Ricky Ryan, Devin and their new drummer Angelo went to the grocery store because we were low on food.

I was sitting in my room with Balz after Oli had left. He said he wanted to talk to me later for some reason. I have no idea why he didn't just talk to me before, but oh well. Balz was sitting on the end of my bed and I was showing him tricks Oli taught me last night.

"Do it again." He demanded.

As he said, I held up my hand and felt the rush I always got when I summoned my fire, and slowly let the flames reach my finger tips and let them sprout out. Gradually, the flame got higher and higher until I let it go out in all my fingers except my index and started twirling my finger, creating the tornado effect then letting it fade.

The look on his face showed pure excitemen as I read his thoughts. But before I could say anything he crashed his lips into mine and i took no time to kiss back. He licked my bottom lip and I granted him access. Our tongues battled for dominance and he won because my tongue is really short. He laid me down on the bed softly and crawled on top of me. Still kissing me, he slid his hands up my shirt. A part of me was wishing he would stop, but another was eager for more.

"How much do you like this shirt?" He asked still kissing my neck.

Oh jesus, he wants to rip my shirt off. Just let him. Wait no don't let him. Oh fuck it, just let him. I was wearing my black spaghetti strap tank so... "not very much." I breathed, not realizing that my voice would be that shakey.

He smirked at me sending shivers down my spine, "good." And with that, he ripped my shirt right off of me and threw on the floor.

He pinned me against the bed and growled lowly in my ear, "you have no idea of of the self control I have had, or how badly I want to fuck you."

"Wait, w- what about Jessicah?" I asked remembering abouy his newfound girlfirend.

His face fell and he crawled off of me. "Why can't I have you both?"

"You're kidding me, right?" Please tell me this is just a joke." I pleaded.

"No I'm not. She doesn't have to know." He said.

I read his mind to make sure he wasn't joking, and sure enough, he wasnt. "What is wrong with you? This isn't the Josh I remember. She's changing you and you're not even realizing it l" I said.

"Please Blade," He pleaded, "I want you so bad but I can't give Jessicah up."

I cannot believe what I was hearing, and at that point, rage was swelling over me. My wings were flared, and my fangs were sprouted, within a second I slammed him against the wall and lifted him up by his throat like he was nothing. I read his mind once again, which by the way I was really good at, and he was scared shitless. Good let him be scared. He deserves it.

"Good. Because I'm making you choose. Me or Jessicah." I demanded

'I love you, but i love Jessicah more' ( btw when i italicize words. It's someone's thought... If you're not quite sure whose it is, highlight it and then comment on it.)

"You're pathetic." I spat and tightened my grip on his throat and lifting him higher.

All of a sudden the door flies open and Oli rushed through the door to my side. "Blade listen to me, you don't want to do this to your-" He tried in his thick Irish accent.

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