ch. 8

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Time skip to two days before Blades birthday. Blade POV

I woke up to a dark winged figure standing over me. He was wearing a panda hat that has the extra long things coming off of the side over his messy brown hair. He had a bright green, plastic lip ring on his left side (my right). He had a few pimples, but that didn't bug me, and dark brown eyes.

"Well, its about time you woke up." He said playfully.

"Who are you and why are you in my room at 3 in the morning?" I asked. To be honest I wasn't scared of him at all. He was actually really hot.

"Well, you are turning 18 in two days, correct?" He asked, I nodded. "Well you are an Angel of Darkness, but your powers and wings dont come in until you turn 18."

"Wait, so you're telling me that I am a mythical creature?" I asked not convinced.

"Well, sort of. We're not considered 'mythical'." He said.

I patted the bed in front of me to indicate for him to sit down. I had the blankets over my knees and I was sitting criss-cross applesauce. He gladly sat the way I was sitting.

"So, ask any questions and I'll answer them."

"Well, first off, which side of my family does this come from?"

"You're dad's."

"Why isn't he an Angel of Darkness?" I asked.

"Because it skips 4 generations."

"What are my powers?"

"We can read minds, fly, run at inhuman speeds, control fire, and we can even heal people. But that is painful for us."

"Can I tell people?"

"Yes, but only family members and close friends, we don't need a bunch of people knowing about us." He said.

"Can I get pregnant?"

"Yes actually our pregnant time is about 3 months instead of nine"

"I'm out of questions." I said.

"Okay, well if you get mad, your eyes will turn red and your fangs will sprout, its a form of self protection. No we don't drink blood. Umm you will be really emotional the first few weeks until you get used to your strength. There is a way to hide your wings in public. And we have this really sensitive spot on our wings and when someone rubs that certain spot it relieves stress. Food doesn't taste any different except your tolerance for hot food is really high. When we drink energy drinks, our hyperness is twice as bad as a human." He said.

"Will you teach me?" I asked him

"When you get your wings and powers I will, yes."

"Thanks, uuh..."

"Oliver." He said. "But you can call me Oli."

"Thanks Oli."

"Anytime Blade." He said. "Well, im going to go, but call or text me anytime. He handed me a piece of papper with his name and number on it. Then flew out of my window.

I layed back down and fell asleep.

Sorry for the really short chapter, but it leaves room for a super long next chapter...

Peace bitches~

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