capter 4

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Sheridan POV

I heard a familiar voice yell. It was so loud that it caused me to twitch and open my eyes. The bright light hurt at first but as I let my eyes roam around the room, they landed on two guys in black. They looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

The taller one of the two rushed over to me and cupped my face with his hands. "Blade, baby. Your awake."

"Wh-who are you?" I asked.

Both of their faces fell and the other walked over to me and asked,"Blade, who am I?"

"I-Im sorry. I don't." I said. I couldn't remember anyone.

"Let's go get the doctor?" The taller one asked.

Chris POV

I can't believe my baby doesn't know who I am. I couldn't help but to start crying. Im not much of a cryer, but when your own daughter doesn't remember who you are, its hard.

Balz and I walked out of the room and we waved down the doctor. "Blades awake, but she doesn't seem to know who we are" Balz said.

"Well let's go check her out." Dr. Thiel said before we walked back into Blade's room. As soon as she saw me her eyes lit up.

"Daddy, you're here!" She said crying.

I ran over to her and hugged her. "Of course I'm here baby."

"Wh-where's Balz?" She asked.

He stepped out from behind Dr. Thiel and said, "I'm right here sweetie." As he walked over to her. I saw tears in his eyes as he hugged her.

"She seems to know who you are." Dr. Thiel interrupted.

"She didn't know who we were when she first woke up." Balz Balzac said.

There was a knock on the door and Dr. Thiel turned around and said, "Well since you are awake, you have visitors."

He stepped outside of the room and everyone piled in the room. And by everyone, I mean, Shelly, Willbur, Bransen, Ghost, Angelo Ricky, and Ryan.

Blade glared at Shelly and murmured something. Everyone except Bransen, Willber, and Shelly gave Blade a hug. Everyone glared at the three oddballs and Shelly asked, "what the fuck are you staring at?"

"Are you even going to acknowledge your daughter, since she did make it out of this alive?" Balz sneered taking a step toward Willber.

Shelly walked over to Blade and gave her a long hug and by the time she had finished Blade was crying and the three walked out of the hospital.

Blade POV

"Are you even going to acknowledge your daughter, since she did make this out alive?" Balz asked while taking a step towards Willber with the 'I'm going to fucking murder you in a second' look in his eyes.

Without saying anything Shelly walked over to  me and started whispering into my ear, while making it look like she was hugging me.

"Your dad is making me give up all my rights away from you. And im happy I won't have to deal with a whore of a daughter anyways. I never wanted you. Your lucky to be alive, I asked those boys to make sure they killed you, clearly they failed. But trust me when I say this. You won't be alive very much longer. Remember to lock the doors and windows at night and don't go out alone, if someone catches you by yourself, I will make sure you are dead, got it?" She said.

I nodded my head and started bawling. She let go and walked out of the room with Willber and Bransen following. My dad gave me the 'what's the matter' look. I shook my head and the guys gave me a sympathetic look.

My dad turned around and asked "can you guys give us a few, please?"

All of the guys nodded in response and left the room. Once we were alone we sat in silence for a few. "I didn't mean anything I said on the phone. I swear baby girl. Steph and I got into it again and we decided it was best if we split up. I'm really sorry for what I did to you." He said not looking me in the eye.

"Its okay, daddy." I said quietly.

"No. Its not okay. You didn't come out of your room for a week. You didn't eat or shower. None of that it okay." He protested.

"Daddy. I'm okay." I whispered.

He slowly pulled down my blanket to my knees and gasped at the sight if my thighs. "Oh. Blade." He whispered quietly.

"I'm sorry daddy." I whispered, "I just really missed you, and I hated being ignored and i-"

"Promise me that this is the last time." He damanded.

"I promise daddy. I love you." I said.

"I love you more." He said kissing my forehead. "What did Shelly say to you?"

"Your dad is making me give up all my rights away from you. And im happy I won't have to deal with a whore of a daughter anyways. I never wanted you. Your lucky to be alive, I asked those boys to make sure they killed you, clearly they failed. But trust me when I say this. You won't be alive very much longer. Remember to lock the doors and windows at night and don't go out alone, if someone catches you by yourself, I will make sure you are dead, got it? Those were her exact words." I recited.

He sat there in complete and utter shock. "Your not leaving my sight got it?" He asked.

"Yeah. Got it. So what's wrong with me?" I ask pointing to my wrist.

"You have a broken wrist and three broken ribs. You have to wear a leg cast for two months, because of the huge gash in your leg." He said.

Just as he said that Dr. Thiel walked in and handed my dad discharge papers. He filled them out and handed them back.

He looked at me and asked, "ready to go home?"

I smiled and said,"absolutely." My dad helped me up and I managed to get dressed. He helped me out to the car and Balz grabbed my stuff and put it in the trunk. Then we set off to my dad's house.

Once we arrived my dad took me up to his room and I layed down and he layed next to me and we both fell asleep.


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