chapter 11

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Blade POVs

"So, what do you want to today?" Ghost asked me.

"We should have a party." I said and put my hand on Oli's inner thigh dangerously close to his member. He smirked and grabbed moving my hand to his knee with our fingers entertwined.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." my dad said scratching his neck.

"I can go get the alcohol." Olie offered.

"Dude, you're only 19" Ghost countered.

"Its called compulsion." Oli said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Nevermind then."

"Mmkay, ill make the jell-o shots with the vodka we have left, while dad and Ghost goes and gets the cups and shit, and Oli gets the alcohol." I said. "Kay, ready? Break!"

These fuckers sat there and looked at me like I was fucking retarded.

"Come on ladies, lets go, MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" I shouted as I pulled them up.

"Calm down Blade, its just a party." Ghost laughed.

"Just a- just a party!? I should smack the stupid right outta you." I grinned.

"No! Okay I'm going, c'mon Chris, before she kills us all." He said and pulled my dad off of the couch.

"You're so dramatic." I groaned.

He stuck his tounge out at me and walked out with my dad following. He (my dad) poked his head back in the house, "Hey, dont over do the vodka like you did last time."

I smiled, "You can never have too much vodka. And uh no promises."

He quietly chuckled to himself and shut the door, the only reason I was able to hear him was becsuse I have really good hearing, I can even hear the human heart beat from the other room. Anywhore, I looked at Oli and sent a mind message to him.

'You gonna get my alcohol?'

He giggled and sent one back. 'You gonna kiss me first? '

I pulled him off of the couch and kissed him, "okay, you got the kiss, now go get my alcohol." I said and pushed him out of the door. I watched him in awe as he jumped in the sky and flew in the direction of the liquor store.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the 4 boxes of jell-o out of the cabinet, then I grabbed an pink bowl for the strawberry jell-o, a blue bowl for the blue raspberry jell-o, a red bowl for the cherry jell-o, and an orange bowl for the orange Jell-o. I put the powder for each one in the correct bowl, then put vodka (instead of water) in the mixes. I mixed up the vodka and the powder, then poured the liquid into the little plastic 'shot glasses' and placed them into the freezer (to set up quicker) on separated trays.


I jumped into the sky and flew off to the liquor store. You're probably wondering how I got through town with out being seen huh? Well when we fly, we have the choice to be invisible or not. We don't need a lot of people knowing about us so if we're around family or friends that know, then we don't have to hide, but if we need to get somewhere fast and in public, we hide. Makes sense? Good.

I landed behind the store where there wasn't anyone to see me land and shit, then walked around to the front and went inside where I grabbed a half gallon of Fireball Whiskey, two fifths of Vodka and Malibu, a fifth of Southern Comfort, a fifth of Gold Schlogger, and a fifth of Ever Clear.

I got to the counter and the gentleman who worked the cashier looked at me funny and said, "I need to see some ID, sir."

"No you don't" I said, compelling him.

"Alright then, your total is 160 dollars." He said.

I handed him the money, then put the alcohol in my jacket pockets and held the Fireball while I went to the back and flew back to Blade's house. She had just put the jell-o shots in the freezer as I walked in and set the bottles on the table.

She came over and hugged me, "i want to try something, don't freak out."


"Fair warning, this may or may not hurt." She said. She lifted my wrist closer to her face and tiny little veins popped out from under her eyes, and her eyes got a brighter blue, almost like they were glowing, and bloodshot.

I sat there and watched her as she lifted my wrist to her mouth and bit it. When she finished, she licked the blood off and healed me. It didn't hurt when she but me, but it did when she healed me. She let go of my wrist and I looked at the two tiny puncture wounds, which are now scars.

She handed me her wrist, "try it, it's so good." She whispered the last part.

She watched me intently as I hesitantly put her wrist up to my mouth and bit into it. Her blood wasnt that metallic taste, it was sweet, I liked it. I kept sucking her blood for a few more seconds, then healed her. She brought her wrist down and kissed me passionately.

All of a sudden, a guy bursted through the window making glass go everywhere, and snatched Blade from my grasp.

"Nice to see you again Oliver." The guy said.

"Hades, what do you want?"

"Well, she seems to have a certain power that I need. And I'm going to get it. Whether it kills her or not." He grinned wickedly.

"No, Hades please, don't take her from me. I'll do anything. She has a family, I doesn't have to be like this." I pleaded.

"You and I both know it has to be like this. Goodbye Oliver." He said and flew out of the window.


Hellew there I'm sorry that's its been like 3 months... But hey Im back now, how did you like the chapter? Did this story go the wrong way? I'm curious, please let me know

Song of the week: 'Blood' be In This Moment

Peace bitches~

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