Chapter 1

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Climbing up the ladder to the tree I heard the three boys talking and listening to Rockin' Robin play over the radio. "Chrisssssssss," I said, making his name longer than it was supposed to be. "Let me in"

"Who is it" I heard Teddy ask in a sarcastic voice

"Oh real funny cmon move the table and let me in"

The little door opened up and I popped my head up to see Gordie Lachance who was 12, Chris Chambers who was 13, Teddy Duchamp who was 12 also. I was 13. Climbing up I sat next to Chris on the floor with my arm on his thigh and resting my head. Chris was my best buddy, sorta tall, came from a bad family, short blond hair and blue eyes that danced around, He wore blue jeans ripped at the knee, a basic white t-shirt and black converse, with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He was good-looking I'd say cute for the most part. Then there was Gordie, who for the most part I had a small crush on. He had light blue jeans cuffed at the bottom with a red shirt with different colored stripes and white converse. Brown eyes and hair and had a side part that was parted with gel. He was the smartest out of all of us but he had a thing for writing. He was sweet, and kind but got quiet after his brother died in a car crash the last April, His parents never got over it and he calls himself the invisible boy but we have each other and we notice him. Teddy was the joker of our group. 12, Black glasses, blonde hair, and his father was a drunk. Nearly burnt his ear off at the stove. I knew they all liked me. They couldn't make it more obvious. Besides Chris of course but we did flirt in a joking manner. He was my first kiss and boyfriend. We had only dated in the past.

    "Whatcha lookin at princess?" Chris picked that up after he saw photos of me when I was a kid in dresses and tutu-skirts. He caught me off guard cause I guess I was staring at something. "Huh?" I looked up in surprise. He lit his cigarette and took a drag on it before I snatched it from his mouth and dragged on it myself. "Hey!" Chris said tryna grab it back. "Calm down pretty boy," I said with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk. There was a knock at the door.

"That's not the secret knock"

"Screw the secret knock"

"Vern," We all said.

"Oh boy wait till we hear this!" He repeated three times.

Vern was the baby of our group. He was 12, little chubby, Blue eyes, and very short brown hair. He always had khaki pants on with a white-based shirt and blue and orange stripes.

"Spit it out, Verno"

"Hold on I just ran from home."

"I RAN ALL THE WAY HOME!" Teddy, Chris, Gordie, and I started singing

"Oh screw you guys"

"JUST TO SAY I'M SORRY," Chris said

"SORRY!" I repeat after him.

"You know what fine I don't have to tell you guys anything," Vern said sitting back

"Wait wait," Chris said. "Go on,"

As Vern started talking we started again.

"All right guys, quit," The boys settled down to listen to Vern.

"You guys wanna see a dead body?"

I had focused my attention off him then back on. I stood up and and walked around Teddy to sit with Goride to get a better look at Vern. We all leaned together.Listening to him. "I was digging up my pennies under the house," We all knew what he had meant he had buried pennies at the beginning of the year before his mom throughout the map to wear he had buried it. He'd been digging for 9 months.Nine months man he didn't know wether to laugh or cry. "I heard Billy and Charlie come out and was talking about how he boosted a car. He found the kid."

"What do we do?" Charlie asked

"I dont know." Billy said, chewing on a weed straw.

"Call the cops?" Charlie suggested

"You don't go squawking at the cops after you boosted the car you idiot. They're gonna wonder how we got all the way back on back harlem road. They know we ain't got not car."

"Ace's car"


"They were talking about the missing kid" Vern almost yelled

"SHhhh" I hissed at him

"I know where that is." Teddy said remembering "My old man used to take me fishing back there"'

"We should go." I said. Everyone looked at me like i was crazy

"Are you crazy?" Chris looked at me.

"What it would be." Everyone nodded after minutes of convincing.

"I don't know guys." Vern spoke up.

"Come on verno" we all said, saying his name grabbing his cheek. "Alright alright."

"What do we tell our folks?

"Easy" Gordie says "Vern you tell your folks you're staying over at Teddys i'll say the same to mine and say we're going to the drag race the next morning."

I looked at him like he had forgotten about me. "And for me?!" I spoke up

"Say your going to your friends house"


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