Chapter 2

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I was wealthy, the rest were not as rich as me. My parents arent as happy that I was friends with the boys but I showed no care. Running through the door "ANN SMITH" my mother called out at me. "Yeah mom?"
"Where have you been?"

"Uhh Out!"

"Alright,"She sighed.

"Hey ummm can I go to my friends house?"

"Yeah sure"

"Thanks" Running up the giant wood stairs to my room I ripped on a comfortable pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. I grabbed my water bottle and filled it up. Grabbing a bag I stuffed it with my sleeping bag and grabbed some money. I rushed out the house and grabbed some granola bars. Finding Goride walking with Chris I ran up to them and joined their conversation. "Hey I wanna show you something!" Chris said as he ran off behind a store. "What is it?!" Gordie asked ever so curiously. Chris slowly pulled out a 45 pistol. "What the hell Chris" I said stepping in front of him so no one could see what's between us. I snatched the gun. "Is it loaded?" Gordie asked? "Hell no" Chris said. I started making noises with my mouth to imitate the gun. Then I pulled the trigger and shot the Trash bin. "JESUS!" we all screamed running to the front. "That was a mean trick Chris" Gordie said yelling at him.

"Come on man I didn't mean too",

"On your mothers life?" I asked with a sharp tone.

"Yes I swear,"

"On your mothers life?" I asked


"Even if she goes to hell if you lie?" Grodie asked.

"Yes jesus guys,"

We encountered Eyeball Chambers and Ace. Eyeball was tall and had brown eyes and hair and not much of a personality except bullying kids and being a part of Ace's gang. Ace on the other hand had blonde hair blue eyes and was probably around 6'0 he had his gang with Billy, Charlie, Eyeball, and himself.  Ace snatched the hat Danny gave Gordie right off the top of his head. "HEY COME ON MAN GIVE IT BACK MY BROTHER GAVE ME THAT" Gordie yelled reaching for the hat as Ace waved it around. I hated Ace, he was my brother but we hated him. "You're a real asshole," Chris said under his breath.

"What was that? Eyeball I don't think your brother is very polite," Ace said in a mean-ish curious tone passing the hat to Eyeball and throwing his cigarette on the ground.

"Now Christopher I know you didn't mean to insult my friend."

"I know he didn't mean to thats why i'm gonna give him the chance to take it back." He grabbed Chris and had him down in a second."GET OFF ME YOU BASTARD!" Chris yelled as Ace was on top of him. Eyeball watched with a wide grin on his face. "ACE GET OFF HIM" I shouted , trying to pull him off. I ended up getting pushed into Gordie but he caught me. "COME ON MAN YOUR HURTING HIM!" Gordie yelled. " Chambers," Ace said, holding the end of his cigarette to his face. "OKAY, ILL TAKE IT BACK" He pulled him up and I hugged him to make sure he was okay. I gave the middle finger to my brother and he just grinned at me. "Cya Girlies" eyeball said in a girl voice. Eyeball put the hat on to his head and walked off. I grabbed Gordie's hand. "Really sorry about your cap" I said, pulling him along. He stayed quiet until we met the others. We found each other at the railroad tracks. I peered down at them. I started walking and the rest followed silently.

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