Chapter 8

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"Coming through the woods I bet we saved over an hour. Teddy?" Gordie said.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"'This the Back Harlow road?" He asked.

"Yep," He said.

"Brower-kid must be round here some place. Teddy, you and Vern watch the left side of the tracks, we'll take the right." Chris said.

We walked around til Vern shouted. "There he is! I see him! Look! Look over there! I see him! I see him!" Rushing over we saw him. None of us could breath. Somewhere under those bushes lies a neighborhood kid. A school kid. Classmate. I walked down first. I guess Chris didn't want me going alone cause he put his arm across my shoulder and walked down with me.

I walked to the bushes.

"Jeesus." I whispered. A tear rolled down my cheek. Chris whipped it away. I was friends with Ray Brower. Smart kid, funny.

"Guys get branches and leaves." Chris said. We wrent laughing anymore, or yelling. We were quiet. I guess this triggered something about Denny because  Gordie had satten down on a log. Me and Chris walked over.

"Gordie?" Chris asked in a hush voice as we sat down.

"Why did he have to die Chris?" He was crying and we both knew what he meant.

"What's the matter Gordie?" Vern and Teddy had walked up to us.

"Nothing,  you guys go get some branches alright?" I said.

"Why did he have to die, Chris? Why did Denny have to die? Why?" Gordie asked.

"I don't know." Chris responded.

"It should have been me." He said quietly.

"Don't say that Gordie." I said, as Chris swung his arm across Gordie.

"It should have been me." Gordie repeated.

"Don't say that man, don't even think that." Chris said rubbing his arm.

Chris fell into my arms and Chris scooted closer to me so he could rub his back. I played with his hair for a bit.

"I was no good." He said, still sobbing. "My dad said i'm no good."

"No. No. No." I said. "We love you."

"He hates me. Oh god he hates me" He said muffling his head into my shoulder.

"No he just don't know you Gordo. You gonna be a great writer someday, Gordie. You might even write about us guys if you ever get hard up for material." He said, as Gordie sat up.

"Guess I'd have to be really hard up, huh?" He said smiling.

"Yeah." I said smiling.

    Just then Ace and his gang came rolling in.

"Well well, my little whore of a sister." Ace said smirking

"Not too much of a whore considering you knock up every girl you come in contact with." I said smirking back.

"Son of a bitch, my little brother!" Eyeball said standing next to Ace but I only wrapped my arm around Chris tighter.

"You weren't planning on taking the body from us? Were you?" Ace said.

"You get away man. We found him an' we got dibs." Chris said snaping at him.

"Ahh! You better start running, Eyeball, they got dibs!" Ace said thinking he was a big shot.

We earned him, man. You guys came in a car that's not fair, he's ours!" Chris said still arguing with them.

"That's not fair, he's ours. Well, not anymore." Eyeball mocked his brother.

"There're four of us, Eyeball. You just make your move." Teddy said yelling as more of them stepped out.

"Oh we will, don't you." Eyeball said before Billy cut him off.

"Vern, you little sonofawhore you was under the porch!" Billy said as he started running down the hill.

"No, I swear it wasnt me!" Vern shouted back as he ran up the hill behind us.

"You little keyhole-peeping cuntlicking bungwipe, we'll beat the shit outta you!" He screamed after him before my brother stuck his arm out to stop him.

"You guys have two choices. Either leave quietly. We take the body. Or you stay. We'll beat the shit outta you. We take the body." Ace said stepping forward.

"God you're a prick. No wonder Dad and mom are ashamed of you."

"What did you say you , little shit?" Ace said, stepping towards me.

"Besides, me 'n Billy found him first." Charley said.

"Yeah, Vern told us how you found him: Oh Billy, I wish we never boosted that car. Oh Billy, I think I just turned my Fruit of the Looms into a fudge factory." He mocked Charley in a baby voice.

"That's it. Your - your ass is grass!" He stammered

"Hold it. Okay, Chambers, you little faggot. This is your last chance. What do you say, kid?" Ace said.

" Why don't you go home and fuck your mother some more." Chris smirked. He knew better than to say that to Ace.

"You're dead." He said moving quietly as he flicked out his switchblade.

"Come on guys, let's split." Teddy said, pulling his shirt.

"They're not taking him." Chris said, grabbing my hand. He knew I wouldn't leave him.

"Come on, man, that's crazy." Teddy said, still trying to get us away "He has a knife!"

"They're not taking him." Chris repeated himself. "You're going to have to kill me Ace."

"No problem!" He said smiling as he got closer. Then a gunshot went off and he froze.

"You're not taking him. An' nobody is taking him." Gordie said.

"Come on kid, just give me the gun before you take your foot off. You ain't got the sack to shoot a woodchuck." Ace said.

"Move Ace. I'll kill you I swear to God."

"Come on, Lachance, gimme the gun. You must have at least some of your brother's good sense." As ace stepped closer Gordie clicked the gun

"Suck my fat one you cheap dime-store hood."

"Are you going to shoot us all?"

"No Ace, just you."

"We're gonna getcha for this." Ace said as he backed up the hill.

"GO TO HELL" I screamed after him.

"Maybe you will, maybe you won't." Chris yelled after him.

"Oh we will. We're not gonna forget this if that's what you think.This is big time, baby."

"Suck my fat one? Who ever told you had a fat one, Lachance?" Chris said laughing.

"Biggest in four counties," He smiled.

"Yeah right." I laughed. "Hey Gordie can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure." He said. While Chris stepped away to help Vern, and Teddy I pulled Gordie aside.

"Gordie I..uhm...I..I like you." I said, stumbling on my words.

"Couldn't have made it more obvious." He said smirking as he leaned in to kiss me.

"HEY! Are you gonna help us or what!" Teddy said.

"Yeah yeah were coming." As I came around the tree Gordie grabbed my hand and kissed me one last time.

"Are we taking the body?" Vern asked.

"No," Gordie said.

"But we came all this way. We're supposed to be heroes." Teddy said, complaining.

"Not this way, Teddy. Chris, gimme a hand." Gordie said, unfolding a blanket.

"Make an anonymous call." I suggested.

"Good Idea." Chris said, We walked into the night and barely spoke.

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