Chapter 7

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Not a while later I heard Gordie rumbling around and groaning in his sleep. I knew he was dreaming about Denny.

"Ahh!" He woke up screaming. But hushed up quickly before waking the others. Too my surprise Chris was sitting down Between us. He looked at me and rubbed my head before asking Gordie if he were okay.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I moved up so I could rest my chin on Chris's lap and listen to Gordie. "Huh?" I guess we caught him off guard because he was staring at the fire.

"You were dreaming," I added in.

"I didn't cry at Denny's Funeral," he said, still gazing at the fire.

"I know,go back to sleep," Lifting my chin so he could get up.

I looked at Gordie and we both got up and sat with him. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe you could go into the College-courses with us." Gordie said.

"That'll be the day," Chris said smiling.

"Your smart Chris." I said looking at him.

"They won't let me. I'm a Chamber kid." Chris said.

"So what?" Gordie said.

"It's the way people think of my family in this town. It's the way they think of me. Just one of those lowlife Chambers-kids." He said.

"But you're not," I said, turning his head towards me. "You're not a low-life, you're my best friend," I said, pushing him into me so I could hug him.

"Oh it is. No one even asked me if I took the milk money that time. I  just got a three-day vacation." He said, pulling away from me.

"Did you take it?" Gordie asked.
" Yeah I took it. You knew I took it. Teddy knew I took it. Everyone knew I took it. Even Vern knew it I think. Maybe I was sorry and I tried to give it back." he said.

"Tried to give it back?" Gordie asked.

" Maybe, just maybe. And maybe I took it to Old Lady Simons and told her. And the money was all there. But I still got a three-day vacation because it never showed up. And maybe the next week Old lady Simons had that brand new skirt on when she came to school." Chris said.

"Yeah, yeah. It was brown and had dots on it!" Grodie said .

"Simons stole it back from me. Just suppose that I told the story. Me,  Chris Chambers, kid brother of the Eyeball Chambers. You think that? Would anybody have believed it?" Chris Asking us.

"Hell no," I said.

"And d'you think that that bitch would have dared try something like that if it would have been one of those dootch bags from up on The View if they had taken the money?" Chris said.

"No way," Gordie said

"Oh no! But with me! I'm sure she had her eyes on that skirt for a long time. Anyway she saw her chance and she took it. I was the stupid one for even trying to give it back. I never thought - I never thought that a teacher-- Oh who gives a fuck anyway? I just wish I could go to some place where nobody knows me. I guess I'm just a pussy." Chris started to cry.

"No you're not Chris." I turned him again to face me. I kissed him. I guess he didn't mind it because he kissed me back. I let go of him and he hugged me and continued to cry. Gordie looked jealous. I didn't know why I had kissed Chris. I told chris to go to sleep and me and Gordie would take over.

"Why'd you do it?" He asked me.

"Don't know." I said looking through the trees.

"Ann." He said looking at me.

"Hmm?" I said looking back at him. He kinda just looked at me. He immediately got closer to me and leaned in for a kiss. No hesitation I leaned in until we met each others lips. We both pulled away and he took my hand.

"You should get some rest Gordo." I said to him.

"Alright.." He said getting up and laying in his sleeping bag.

I stayed with the gun staring at the others.

The freight train woke the others up. We started down the tracks of the Royale Rail eating breakfast.

"You guys couldn't get like Twinkies and root beer or something," Vern complained.

"Sorry Vern." I said

"We're not experienced shoppers with your seven senece." Gordie said.

We reached a giant field.

"Ladies and Gentleman, The royale.

"Oh how iconic" I said.

"Tracks go way out of the way." Teddy said. "If we cross here we'll be there in an hour."

"I don't know guys." Vern said "It's safer to go down the tracks."

"I say we cross." Chris and Teddy spoke up.

"Gordie? Ann?" Chris asked us.

"Cross." I spoke up. Gordie nodded and we walked in.

"Take no prisoners! Tfrrrrrrr!" Teddy said joking around.

"Hey you guys! It's a lot safer if we ah--" Vern said

"Come on Man!" Teddy screamed while running through the grass.

"You guys down know what's in those woods!" Vern said, shouting after us. "Oh whatever. Wait for me guys!" He said running through it.

Reaching the woods they hiked through it until they hit a swamp.

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