Chapter 5

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Just in case you guys haven't noticed, this story has been rewritten, so if you haven't already, I recommend reading it from the beginning before reading this chapter for it all to make sense.

The following day found Kate and Mary going out for lunch, since Mary had told Kate that she had something important to talk to her about.

"So, you going to the ceremony tonight?" Mary asked as they sat at their table, waiting for their waiter to bring their food out to them.

"No. I told dad that I wasn't really ready to interact with a bunch of people on that scale yet and thankfully he understood." Kate said.

"Okay, now I'm wishing I'd been the one stranded on the island, then I'd have an excuse not to go tonight." Mary said.

"Sounds like we both have the same view of turning off the bat light. It's a mistake that Gotham will regret.

"Okay, are you sure that you've fully recovered from whatever you went through, since the Kate Kane I knew would never say that." Mary said and Kate laughed.

"Amnesia has its advantages. It allowed me to look at Batman from an unbiased point of view and I realize that it was unfair of me to keep blaming him for something he had no control over. He's not Superman, he couldn't fly. Besides, he did a better job of protecting Gotham than the Crows ever did." Kate said.

"Don't let Dad or Sophie hear you say that." Mary said.

"Please, I've got Sophie wrapped around my finger and we both know it, since she'll do anything to get my forgiveness." Kate said.

"You still love her don't you?" Mary asked and Kate nodded.

"She's the one thing I could remember clearly about my past even with my amnesia. But don't tell her that, I want to string her along for a bit, see if I can get her to beg me to take her back." Kate said.

"Normally I'd say you're being immature, but I think you're owed that, though you should know that your death, it hit her pretty hard. It hit all of us pretty hard. Sophie, dad and I, we all mourned you in different ways." Mary said.

"But not Catherine." Kate said.

"My mom mourned, but not as severely as the rest of us did. But then again, you two were never close. You refused to see her as your real mom." Mary said.

"Yeah, that hasn't changed." Kate said.

"I know. I'm just glad that you didn't let that stop us from becoming real sisters." Mary said.

"We always will be, no matter what Mary. But anyways, what did you want to talk to me about, because I know you're stalling." Kate asked as their food was delivered and Mary took a deep breath.

"I'm gay." Mary said, shocking Kate, because of all the things she ever thought she'd hear Mary say, that was not one of them, in either reality.

"Wait what?" Kate asked.

"Yeah, it shocked me too when I first realized it, but I am." Mary said.

"How did you figure it out?" Kate asked.

"It wasn't until after you died. I didn't really have much of a support system to help me through it, since dad was dealing with his grief in his own way and so was Sophie and mom was busy with her company and helping dad, so I kind of just spiraled. I started drinking and partying hard. Nearly started using drugs, but then one night, a woman saved my life. Her name is Ryan and she was the one who convinced me that what I was doing was not what you'd want me to do. She gave me a shoulder to cry on and helped me turn my life around." Mary said with a smile.

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