Chapter 19

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Breaking Batwoman news! Poison Ivy is officially coming to the Arrowverse since they've officially cast Bridget Regan as Pamela Isley in Season 3. We're finally getting a classic Batman villain in the show, since before now, they've only been hinted at and mentioned. I wonder what other Batman villains they're going to bring in?

"So, you really trust this Safiyah woman?" Luke asked after Kate had brought him and Helena up to speed.

"At one time, yes. She saved my life and taught me a lot of what I know, but now I also know that she knew that both Beth and my mom were still alive and she actually helped turn my sister into the monster she is now." Kate said.

"Kate, did it ever occur to you that your sister might be in there somewhere?" Helena asked.

"Of course it has, but right now my priority is not pulling Beth out of the nightmare Alice no doubt has her locked in. My priority is keeping Gotham safe, which means putting her somewhere she can't escape. Once that's done, then I can start trying to find a way to bring my sister out of that monster." Kate said.

"Well, we can't do anything to her until your mom is out of Alice's possession." Luke said.

"Which is why it's good that Safiyah convinced me not to reveal the truth about her little island to the world in exchange for owing me a debt for keeping all this a secret." Kate said.

"And you're collecting by making her use her resources to find your mom." Luke said.

"Exactly." Kate said.

"That seems a bit convenient if you ask me." Helena said.

"Meaning what?" Kate asked.

"What I mean is that I've heard rumors about Safiyah while I was searching for my dad from my contacts in the criminal underworld. She doesn't sound like the kind of person who'd simply pay a debt. If you were really going to be a problem, she would just send someone to silence you, even if you were an old fling of her's. She'd do what she thought was best for her people." Helena said.

"So you think that she's sending her people to Gotham for another reason besides paying her debt to me." Kate said.

"I think that while she is going to do that, that's not the only reason her people will be here. And she knows your secret identity, so we can't rule out any possibilities. There's something else in Gotham that has her attention. If we find out what that is first and get our hands on it, we can use it to negotiate a better deal with her." Helena said.

"Except that it's a needle in a haystack. Who knows what she could be after." Kate said.

"I'll reach out to some of my contacts, see if any of them know what else she could be after." Helena said.

"I'll talk to Julia, see if her sources know anything about what she could be after." Luke said.

"Do it." Kate said, right as her phone buzzed.

"What's going on?" Luke asked.

"That was a reminder that I have a meeting with some investors tomorrow about rebuilding Wayne Enterprises." Kate said.

"Maybe I should be there, since as Bruce Wayne's daughter, I could be seen as a challenge, since if I wanted too, I could challenge your right to the company. But if I'm there and I show my support of your leadership, it'll make the investors a bit more eager to back you." Helena said.

"Since when are you business savvy?" Kate asked.

"You forget that you aren't the only one dad was teaching about the company." Helena reminded her.

"Though I have to admit, it doesn't help that neither of you went to business school." Luke said.

"That's what we have you for." Kate said smugly and Helena chuckled.

"You walked right into that one Luke." Helena said.

"Fair point." Luke acknowledged.

"Besides, I've been working with Mary on getting people interested and she likes the whole low income housing real estate business I'm starting, since that could be seen as PR." Kate said.

"She's not wrong. You really are an improvement on dad, since while he did a lot for Gotham both as Batman and as Bruce Wayne, he never took it to the lengths that you are. Kind of makes me wonder which of you cares about Gotham more." Helena said.

"Okay Helena, I get that you're kidding, but seriously, never question how much your dad cares about this city." Luke said.

"Why not? If Bruce cared about this city, he never would've left without at least ensuring that someone else would carry on in his absence." Kate said.

"Because we still don't know what happened to him. We can't judge Bruce until we know the whole story." Luke said.

"Which will be hard to get since there are too many rumors about what happened to him to find a legitimate lead. Trust me, I've tried. Wherever my dad is, he isn't going to be found anytime soon." Helena said.

"Well, we'll just have to keep an ear open about that, but for now, let's turn our focus back to our current psychopath." Kate said.

"You mean your sister?" Helena asked, trying to clarify since there were several psychopaths in Gotham.

"Yeah, Alice. We need to figure out what she's up to, since whatever it is, getting Cartwright has no doubt brought her one step closer to it. We need to get into her sick head, see if we can at least slow her down." Kate said.

"And how exactly do we do that?" Luke asked.

"We figure out what she could possibly want. Alice may be crazy, but she doesn't seem stupid. She wouldn't just attack Gotham on the belief that Batman was gone. She'd have some kind of contingency prepared in case her presence brought him back." Helena said.

"Exactly. Every lowlife in Gotham knows that if you want to run this town, you have to take out the Bat." Kate said and Helena nodded.

"It's one of the reasons why the Joker was popular among them. He came closer than any of the other crazies to killing my dad and that is saying something." Helena said.

"So, she'd be looking for a way to penetrate the Batsuit." Luke said and Kate nodded.

"Everyone knows that the suit is impenetrable to conventional weaponry, which means that she's going to go out of her way to procure a weapon that can pierce the batsuit." Kate said.

"Which is going to be hard to find, since Luke's dad designed it to be nearly as tough as a Kryptonian's skin. There aren't a lot of things capable of penetrating our suits." Helena said.

"But as long as there are methods of doing it, she'll find one. I've already melted down Bruce's railgun since he was an idiot for ever storing it outside of the Batcave and I'm still not running the risk of anyone else stealing it, even from here." Kate said.

"Smart move." Helena agreed.

"You think that Catherine Hamilton might have had a weapon built in case the Bat ever became a threat to her criminal actions?" Luke asked.

"It's worth looking into." Kate agreed.

"I'll use my Crows contacts and see if I can do any digging. But Kate, make sure this meeting goes well tomorrow, because if you can acquire Hamilton Dynamics, we won't have to use these methods to find stuff like this, you can just order them to tell you." Helena said.

"Trust me, that is the plan." Kate confirmed.

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