Chapter 12: Penitence

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"Why'd you call me out to the beach at two AM, Katsuki?" Izumi asked, he'd somehow gotten to the window in her room and convinced her to come with him. It had been a couple days since the incident at the USJ, so Izumi was still recovering a bit.

"Because," he grabbed her hand and stopped walking, "I wanted to apologize."

"What for?" Izumi was just full of questions as the scent of saltwater burnt into her nostrils. It was a quick way to wake up, but also disorienting and kind of painful.

"For not being able to protect you," Katsuki got into his knees, "I haven't been able to sleep much since you nearly died. Which got me thinking," but his movements weren't sluggish in the slightest, just how well was he at hiding his exhaustion? "If I can't save you from dying, then how can I call myself your boyfriend?"

Izumi wanted to pipe up, but Katsuki continued on. "I couldn't stop Izo, I couldn't reach you in time, and I for sure couldn't fix that wound you had." She could hear each individual quiver in his voice, "so then why do I have any right of being with you? I mean its my job to protect and help you out when you're in a pinch," he fell to the ground and prostrated to her, as if she were a religious statue. "I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me, but I want to brea-."

Izumi paid no attention to the last part of his sentence and instead bent her knees so she could ruffle his messed up hair as she shut him down mid sentence. "Kacchan, you know that I can't hold any anger towards you, I love you too much for that. If that's the case, then why would I need to forgive you?" Izumi smiled as she gently ran through his hair, "you did the best you could to fix a situation that I caused, and that I took part in. If anything, I'm going to apologize to you for dragging you into my mess. I don't blame you for anything," she reached for his clenched hand and raised it, "not this scar, and certainly not for anything else." She kissed his hand before unraveling it and placing it on her cheek, "I love you with my heart Katsuki, nothing will ever change that. I thank you for what you tried to do, and I apologize for dragging you into it." He raised his head as she hugged him, "now come on, let's get you home to sleep."

She never liked beaches, the saltwater always got into her scars and caused them to burn. Even now she endured the pain of the rising heat of the wounds. "No," Katsuki said; he rose, completely shadowing Izumi in his figure. "I don't feel like it," with that, Katsuki fell forward, causing the two to land softly in the sand. She didn't seem to mind that his face was directly planted in her budding chest, "can we stay like this?" He asked. It must've been peaceful, seeing as the two both had their arms wrapped around the other.

"Sure, Kacchan," she stared up at the night sky, there were too many stars too count properly, for they dotted every inch, every centimeter, of that boundless universe that hung above them. "We can stay like this," her voice was gentle, just as much as his demeanor towards her. She smiled, noticing that the pain of her old wounds faded with her lover's touch. She wasn't going to pass up the moment, so she fell asleep. Kacchan's spiky hair dulled as she stroked it until she passed out. Why she was fine with sleeping in the middle of a beach? Because she could hold the one she cherished the most close by.

It was at the crack of dawn that Izumi's eyes fluttered open. She found that Katsuki was still sleeping atop her, so she didn't dare move. She squinted at the sun, basing its distance from her on the horizon, she guessed that it was some time around five, if not six. Meaning that her total hours of sleep was about a healthy eight. Katsuki's...however, totaled much less than her's. It also meant that Izumi had gotten a large amount of sleep over him in the past night than he had in two days. Knowing that she had nothing to do for Saturday, Izumi allowed him to continue sleeping. Once he woke up, then she'd ask for a bit of clarification on something he said. It had completely fallen through the cracks in her mind when she went of her little speech directed at him.

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