Chapter 4: Let's try and not kill senpai

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Please, be patient with Tsuna, I used this chapter to show you how broken Tsuna was after all that happened to him and also began to hint at something quite sinister. Let's just say he has a long way to recovery. Also, we have Future Tsuna appear for a brief visit, so please treat him well.

When Tsukune asked his enigmatic friend, Tsuna to train him the day before yesterday, he wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe some kind of sage advice, or a couple of fighting techniques. Or even something like a training montage he saw in a few films. But he certainly did not expect this.

"Have mercy!" he cried out, terrified as he ran through the forest surrounding the school as if the devil was on his heels. From a certain point of view, it was true.

His suffering started as soon as he had woken up. The sun was not even up, when a gigantic mallet crashed next to his head, making him practically jump out of his bed. Awoken from another dream featuring Moka, and scared beyond belief, he looked up, afraid of what will await him. He found Tsuna standing at the foot of his futon, mallet casually resting on his shoulder, watching him with a grin that promised pain. Tsukune later would deny that he shrieked like a little girl.

Soon after that Tsuna fastened a backpack on him that was at least 30 kilos and told him he couldn't take it off until the end of the warmups, unless he wanted to suffer a fate worse than death. With that, he was told to circle around the forest next to them once then the actual training would begin. He felt a little relieved about finding nothing absurd about it. He should have known better.

The actual warmup consisted of him trying to stay alive by running away from the grenades thrown by the little kid he saw with Tsuna before. The weight on his back didn't help matters, but thankfully he was able to avoid most of it, through the causal clothes he put on were singed and a little torn up.

Tsuna was lazily jogging a few paces behind them, observing the struggles of the black-haired boy with a critical eye and slight enjoyment. It felt really good to see someone other than himself trying to survive a hellish course like that. He noticed that Tsukune was slowing down and called out to Lambo who was chasing his unfortunate student like a maniac.

"Time to turn up the heat!" he yelled, causing the young boy to cackle gleefully and pull out a rocket launcher from who knows where. He long ago stopped trying to work out that mystery. Mafioso always had a special relationship with their weapons, he learned.

TsuKune paled at seeing the new weapon in Lambo's small hands and redoubled his speed as rockets exploded around him.

"I'm going to die!" Tsuna doubted that there was anyone on campus who hadn't heard him with a powerful cry like that.

"If you so much breath to waste," said Tsuna as he pulled out his gun and aimed at the running teen." then just die already." with that he fired the dying will bullet at him just as a rocket exploded dangerously close to him.

"Reborn." roared the boxer-clad teen and began to swat away the oncoming missiles."Survive as I were to die."

Meanwhile, Tsuna frowned as he looked at his gun in contemplation. Making a quick count in his head, his frown deepened as he realized that this was the ninth dying will bullet he shot at Tsukune. Hopefully, he could keep him out of trouble as he calls in a few favors or the tenth bullet will be the last.


"That was fun! Let's do it again!" said Lambo cheerfully as he energetically skipped on the path leading to the dormitories. Tsuna was holding Tsukune's collar and was dragging the unconscious teen through the dirt, showing very little care. Tsukune should consider himself lucky that he wasn't leaving him alone in the forest. If he was Reborn, Tsukune would wake up in the middle of the forest alone, tied up and surrounded by landmines. Landmines. Something to consider.

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