Princess' Dream

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Princess' Dream

A little shaggy pony

Is every average girl's dream,

The most important link

To a perfect princess scheme--

A pony no one wants

Whose potential no one sees

But a pretty daddy's angel

Who rides beneath the trees.

She imagines a lady's saddle

And a satin gown of jade.

She trots before purple pointed castles

In a handsome prince's parade.

She escapes into a starlit night

Avoiding King and Queen,

And gallops away out of sight

Gracefully unseen.

Without the shaggy pony

To play the part of steed,

The every-day romantic princess

Bids "Adieu" to her perfect princess dream.

          To the black pony I was promised but never had.

A beautiful roan miniature, Shorty, gave both our daughters many safe and positive experiences at shows and parades while under saddle or driving cart. 

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For The Love Of Horses, A Book of Poems by Renee MoomeyWhere stories live. Discover now