Adonia (Maria's Mother) (62)

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Where the heck is my daughter? She didn't come home, and she's not answering her phone, and it appears that no one knows where she is! And none of the girls she works with are around. Their parents also don't speak any language I speak, which made it very difficult to ask about anything. I tried. I understood nothing. They understood nothing. It was a bunch of not-understanding. A misunderstanding. That's not how that word works. Sorry, English isn't my first language. Wait, why am I apologizing for that? And who am I apologizing to? What is happening? I've lost my dang mind. You know what?! Frick it! Stalk me if you want!

Ughhhhh! I've been through all the passages in the walls, and my husband has been making calls since walking is a challenge for him. He said he would contact me if he got any information, and so far, he hasn't.

That's not good. And the thing about Maria is that she never stays out. She likes sleep way too much for that. And, on the off chance that she makes plans that will last more than an hour, she normally tells me beforehand. So, all that to say, something isn't right. None of the parents I tried to talk to seemed upset, so it could have been a very specific work thing, which was unlikely, or maybe something came up. Or... maybe something had to do with the prince. I hope not. She's not with John, I checked that first. He's out looking for her as well. Well, he was, until his sister dragged him off to do... something... She's a sweet girl, just a little... strange. Though, so is Maria, so she's actually probably not that strange. Quiet kids always seem strange at first. Sure, sometimes they stay seeming strange, but sometimes they get more normal the more you get to know them.

Anyway, ignoring my runaway thoughts, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO! I've asked everyone twice! Well... not everybody. I suppose I could ask the last person who saw her, but that's going to rack my nerves. It is better than not knowing, though. Normally, I would have been dragging my feet, because going outside the walls meant danger and work, but right now I'm running. And turning back around because I made a wrong turn. At least, I think I did. It's hard to tell. Uh... left... nope, that's the kitchen. Turning around... uh... straight... you'd think I'd be better at this considering how long I've worked here, but I'm not assigned this area and, maybe its just me, but stress kill brainpower. Hopefully, its just me, because I don't want anyone else to get themselves as lost I have gotten myself. Where the List am I? Wow, haven't used that expression in a while... my mind must be mush at this point.. uh... I would walk to the nearest door and try and find my way from the giant parts of the castle, but I'm afraid I'll get stepped on or locked out. I guess my best option would be to get help. Pulling out my phone and thanking heaven that I hadn't fallen into a cliché after seeing it wasn't dead, I pulled up my husbands contact and called him. He picked up on the first ring and immediately asked if I had found Maria, then cursed when I said no, and then cursed more when I said I was lost. We fledged out a "plan" in which I stayed on the phone and he called people to go look for me. He suggested coming to find me himself but... that would have ended badly (probably. Not a fortune teller. Just a logical worrier), so I talked him out of that idea. As I waited for one of the three people sent out to look for me, since my husband insisted I stay still to avoid getting further lost, I decided to logically work through the situation while worrying because that's what I do. I made a list of possible places of where Maria could be. The less likely options were lost (well...), at the house of some friend I have never heard of, hanging out with her master (I don't like the way that sounded in my head), playing an intense game of hide and seek (that actually sort of sounds like her), somewhere outside the castle (judging by her massive fear of ants, I doubt it), somewhere in the giant halls, or any other possibility that isn't that likely.

The fear of ants thing confused me until I remembered how long it had been since I'd seen and ant, and that I saw them before my transformation, which would have made them look far less terrifying.

Anyway, the more likely scenarios are that she had a work thing she forgot to tell us about (though John walked with her and he said nothing strange happened so I guess that's also unlikely) or I was just too tired to understand her telling me about it, or, and I hate the probability of this so much that I refuse to elaborate on it, something out of our control happened and she's gone for good. Actually, there are several scenarios that could lead to that, so I'm glad I didn't elaborate. If it is the first scenario, I think I might kill her when I make sure she's alive.

Just as I had that thought, a family friend of ours walked towards me, looking relieved. She was one of the people sent out to look for me, so I told my husband that he could call the other two off. He did, and we hung up.

As my friend and I were walking back, I started to gather the courage to try something. Something I knew I would have to do if Maria wasn't found soon. After we had walked back to a familiar place in the halls, I told my friend that I could handle the rest of the way and that she could go home. She seemed to believe this, and just asked that we keep her posted on the situation, which I obviously agreed to. I waited until she was a little ways down the hall before turning around and going to the last place I know Maria went: Prince Alexander's chambers.

As much as I'd hate to admit it, I did get lost trying to find my way to the chambers, but I did eventually make it.

Doors locked.

Dang it!

I don't want to have to do this, but...

I took a deep breath, trying to revisit a source I haven't tapped into in over a decade. That proved to be difficult, primarily because I had it deliberately sealed off by someone with more skill than I could ever dream of. If you hadn't guessed by now, then I guess I should tell you. Magic. You actually probably guessed it, because what other source would I have to tap into, but whatever. And if you're wondering why I had it sealed off, then imagine having a five-year-old, and simply trying to limit yourself to how much magic you performed. You can't tell me you would use it to knock the kid out for a week because they wouldn't listen and then have them tell someone and get arrested or worse, for either magic or child abuse. And mind you, I was terrible at it even when I used it. Once I tried to light a fire and instead I turned green and hiccupped, which caused bubbles to come out of my mouth. I was terrible at magic. This castle probably wouldn't still exist if I could still do magic.

Also, its really not common to find people who had their magic sealed off after it became a taboo. Sealing it off means that you power become unable to manifest and you can't be detected with... magic... detection.... Stuff...

Though the first two weeks are very difficult when you think you can use magic to fold laundry after the source is sealed and then have to deal with the realization that you now have to fold the laundry. Its terrible. I cried.

Anyway, after thirty minutes, it occurred to me that there was no way I was breaking the seal because I didn't know how and couldn't access my magic to do it and because the person that sealed it was better at magic than I am. Well, was. I ended up laying on the floor, out of breath, magicless.

No problem. Time for plan B.

Not that plan B. Stop thinking that.

Foot. I tried to kick the door down, and all that got me was a hurt foot. So, being a desperate mother, I tried again. Nope. Two hurt feet. I remember once my husband mentioning something called "Adrenaline" and saying that it could make people to crazy and superhuman things, but apparently, I don't have that because I am still a desperate mother laying on the floor.

Wow, that sounds really bad out of context.

Body slamming also didn't work, in case you creepy things inside my head were wondering. Curse good craftsmanship. And doors. And giants. I'm going to stay here and wait for him to come back, and then I'm going to bang and scream on the door until I get let in.

Yep. Good plan.


Hello, sorry for not publishing in forever. And that this sucks. But hey, at least there's plot. 

I'm gonna crawl back into my hole  for a while again. BYE! HAVE FUN! 

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