Alex (18)

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It is very quiet. Seriously. I understand that there's only two of us in the room, but someone needs to speak. And I'm not going to... so... Okay. Whatever. She was just sitting in my hand. I had it on the bed so she would be able to climb off, but she didn't. I wasn't sure if she just didn't want to or if she was scared to, but it didn't make a difference where she was at the moment. I think. I'm not the best at guessing what other people want. Actually, I'm just terrible at guessing in general, but especially when it comes to other people. I looked at her face; scared and confused. Okay. I guess she was waiting for permission. bad. I want to hold her. SHE'S SO CUTE! I hold her. You not stop me. ... now I have question for her. I just don't know how to word it. It's really -really- blunt. Oh, well. I'm gonna ask.

"Why are you afraid of me?" I am very stupid.

"What?" she asked.

"Why are you afraid of me?" I repeated.

"Uh... I... Why would you... I'm not..." Her attempt to tell me she wasn't only made it clearer.

"Yes, you are." I argued.

"What makes you say that?" she asked innocently.

"On your first day, the only time you made noise was when you saw a spider." I said.

"Well, I didn't want to...." She trailed off.

"And you hide in your arms almost every time I pick you up." I continued.

"I don't like heights. That's all." She said meekly.

I'm only making this worse, aren't I? Too bad stubbornness runs in my family. "You wouldn't look up either."

"Well, I thought I wasn't supposed to." She said, getting red in the face. Okay, the looking up thing doesn't make sense.

"Why not?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Why are obsessing over this?" she yelled, angry.

"So I can... make you not...." That was not even a sentence, but okay. The reason is a lot similar to when she wanted to know why I was staring at her. I want to know the problem so I can fix it. This is just a more sensitive topic (I'm guessing. Told you I was terrible at it)

"Well, can you stop?" she yelled, angry and annoyed.

She still scared. That's why she's getting mad. I think she's trying to avoid saying... anything at all that could be taken wrong, but... well... that's not helping. "Tell me and I will."

"Because I thought you would eat me!" she screamed. She covered her mouth with her hands as the color drained from her face. I was prepared for a lot of things, just not that. I was speechless.

"I still do." She said. I don't think she meant for me to hear it, but I did. Maybe I should have thought this whole thing through. We both just sat there. Well, she climbed down onto the bed, and then curled up and sat there. I tried to figure out what to say. I guess I was right about that being a sensitive topic. I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it back. This needed to be more than just something that took ten seconds to come up with and say. This... I needed to think about... and plan. I am good at neither of those things. I sat up and she tensed. She was shaking, so she was obviously scared, not that I needed any sort of visual to tell me that. They she spoke was enough. I planned my words carefully, hoping they would comfort her. Actually, I hope they end her fears of me, but it was stupid to think they would. I was a giant. She was smaller than my little finger. Of course, she was going to be absolutely terrified! It was natural and it was perfectly acceptable.

"Uh... hey..." I started. I was nervous about this. I just don't know why. She uncurled herself, but her arms remained wrapped around her knees, and she didn't look up. Her shaking didn't get any better, either. If anything, it got much worse.

"Can... can you... can you... look up... for... for a second...?" I stuttered. I exhaled when she unwillingly looked up at me. She had been crying, and I knew the only reason she even bothered to acknowledge me was out of fear. "I... um... in this... in this room... and... and just whenever you're... with... with me... you are safe. I... I won't let anyone harm you, and I swear I will never hurt you... on purpose."

So, I am clumsy. I can't guarantee that I won't fall and do something. That is why I had to add the "on purpose". That seemed to ease her a bit, but she still looked scared. Another breath. I am going to hate this.

"And... as far as it goes... I will never eat you..." I added, "or anyone for that matter."

That was fact. I never have and never will eat anyone ever at all final. Not up for debate. Not happening. Nope.

She untensed a lot at that. She also looked confused, but I didn't care. As long as she wasn't totally fearing for her life anymore.

"That's a relief" she muttered. "I feel so stupid now."

"Don't." I told her, "I mean, better safe than sorry, I guess." I tried to give her a friendly smile, but I'm not ever sure how anything my face does turns out, so... yeah.

She smiled up at me (so the smile part was recognizable at least. YES!) then stretched an yawned. SHE IS SO CUTE WHEN SHE YAWNS! OH, MY GOODNESS! I THINK I'M IN LOVE! That was... that was totally a joke... I'm not in love with her... right?

"Tired?" I asked sarcastically. SHE NEEDS TO YAWN AGAIN!

"You'd be too." She stated.

"I am. I have Jera. What's your excuse?" I joked.

"I didn't go to bed until three last night." She informed me, "and I didn't sleep at all the night before or the night before that."

"You are a warrior. I would have passed out by now." I said, truly astonished.

"You did." She quipped.

"Ha ha. Oh, my gosh. You're so funny." I deadpanned. She burst into laughter.

"Seriously, though." I continued, "Go to sleep now."

"No. I'm afraid there's a giant, sick prince that requires my care." She sighed. The sarcasm in this room has exceeded my carrying capacity of it. I laughed so hard at such a simple statement; I have no doubt that she thinks I'm retarded.

"Well, this giant, sick prince isn't going anywhere, so you're fine." I gasped, laughing too hard, "That's an order."

She pretended to be offended (at least, I think she was pretending): "Oh, so you're ordering me around now? I see how it is!"

"Yes. Take a nap." I instructed.

"Yes, well, sadly, your mother told me to care for you, and her orders trump yours. So, you go to sleep." She sassed. SHE IS SO CUTE! "And THAT'S an order."

"If I go to sleep, will you?" I bargained.

"Nope." She stated, "Will you at least lay down?"

"Ugh... fine..." I sighed. I have been defeated by someone smaller than my little finger. That's just great, "But I refuse to enter any state of sleep at all."

"That's what you think." She said slyly. What she gonna do? I am actually scared... What...? I- Oh, my gosh. No. No. She's making me fall asleep. I am going to die. I AM GOING TO DIE AT THE HANDS A TINY MAID!

You know how it feels really good when someone messes with your hair. Well, she's messing with my hair, and I am already tired, so I am FALLING ASLEEP. AND SHE HAS TINY HANDS SO IT'S MAKING IT HARDER TO STAY AWAKE! OH MY GOSH THAT FEELS SO GOOD! STOP! I SHOULD BE TELLING HER TO STOP! BUT I'M NOT! SHE HAS TAKEN CONTROL OF MY MIND! SHE'S A WITCH! SOMEONE SAVE ME! I CAN'T TELL HER TO STOP! HELP!

Yeah, I was asleep in five seconds flat.

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