Maria (5)

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Woah. This is definitely the most amazing thing I have ever seen even though it's definitely hurting my eyes. I am speechless. That's kind of a good thing, since I'm not supposed to talk, but this is really beautiful. I have seen pictures of sunsets and sunrises and things like that, but I'd never seen one. I'm not even scared anymore. As long as I stared into the warm light, everything would be fine, even if I did go blind. It would be fine. Then I heard Alex's voice jerking me back to life. Horrible, disappointing life.

"The sunsets here are something worth seeing." He said softly.

I looked up at him, forgetting that I wasn't supposed to. But he didn't get mad. Instead he smiled at me, and the soft light from the setting sun made him seem nicer. For that moment, I wasn't scared of him at all. I felt like he was my friend. Then I reminded myself that he wasn't. There was something wrong with this. He's being too nice. What's the catch? What's he doing?

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