Summer Fun

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The road trip to Nashville, Tennessee was a long drive I was so tired and exhausted but tonight was the night me and my friend get to meet Mason Wright! He was the most famous 23 year old country singer he came out of a small town in Tennessee and made it big. Went from playing at bars to the big stadiums. We planned this huge trip to go see him he was the most handsome man of our generation. I have always wanted to see him in concert and one day meet him but not this time around because all the backstage passes were taken but we  bought the front row so I can shake his hand. When we got to Nashville we saw stars and all the beautiful scenery I was so ready to meet him! This concert was all we planned for this summer vacation, as we spent five hours getting dressed it was time! But before I tell you this story you can believe or not but it is crazy. This is the night I met my future husband I got the man all the young woman wanted. I got to marry the one I saved up all summer to meet him, but I won't say that it was all smooth sailing. It has been a lot of trials and pain and tears, it is amazing how much love you have someone who is so hard to love. We checked into the stadium and the music was blaring and the crowd was so full, we pushed or way to the front with our beer in hand. And as the lights began to get dim my stomach was very full of butterflies and I heard," Are you ready for Mason Wright?!" I tried to not scream so loud but the moment he walked out in those sexy tight blue Demin jeans and the ripped wrangler shirt and his boots I felt so turned on and hot. I can now see why he was America sweetheart I just lost it. My screams was so loud I spilt some beer, " I'm your biggest fan Mason!" He came up to the end of the stage and yelled," I hope one day I will find a woman to settle down with this is for my future wife!" I love this song he talks how much he wants to settle down and find his soulmate he is so grateful he found a woman to calm the bull, and to come home too.  He is the sweetest man ever I think by the way he is seen on the internet, and the way he posts on Instagram. The concert was almost over and I did not get the moment I wanted but that's fine I will see him concert again. " I NEED A WOMAN WHO WANTS TO COME TO THE STAGE AND BE MY HEARTBREAK WOMAN!" Me and my friend were jumping and down screaming. He came over to me, in that moment I met the man I loved his baby blue eyes and  his charming smile stole my heart. Yeah we could all say he was a country star crushes happen all the time this something more than.  He paced around the stage looking for a girl then he said, "Her." He reached for my hand and I was in shock once he pulled me up to the stage the crowd roared.

In this moment you can tell I was the most hated girl in this concert, he sat me on this bench and sang to me. Every note he sang as he danced around me was like butter, his southern was thick like honey. You could smell the sweat and the cologne he was wearing was thick and he smelled so intoxicating good he was so cute even with his small gapped tooth. Mr. Wright was the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on. It was a dream though I wish I was on his level to actually have a chance to talk to him, " Your the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, What's your name?" I smiled at him as his hot breathe hit my ears it was like butter the way he spoke he made me get like putty in my chair." Maci is the name sir." After he finished the song what he said next shocked me and the whole stadium," Y'all I think I found the one to make this traveling man settle down." The whole stadium went in aww. He lead me to the backstage and told me to wait for him. This was my dream this is all I have ever wanted, my friend met a boy in the group and took off with him after the concert. I sat in the back for hours after the concert but Mason was nowhere to be found. Apart of me should have went with my friend Kayla and could have had more fun than waiting. I stood up adjusted my shirt and grabbed my bag I walked towards the exit door. When I heard my name being called I turned to see Mason, he smiled at me and said," I wanted to be able to give you all my time so I finished the meet and greets and found you. Something about you I could not forget." I turned and saw him in just run down jeans and a normal tee shirt and well used boots. He looked like a normal person someone easy to talk to and I smiled at him. We sat down on the couch and talked he was the most complex man there was. He opened up about having issues finding a girl to settle down with due to his money and his fame, and also due to the constant being in the lime light 24/7. It has been so hard on him being famous it is not all easy when the money comes in people used him and he has no one he feels like. He leaned and kiss me, my body spoke before I could he was on top of me. I reached down and rubbed his back and he kissed me up on my thighs. My heart was racing I never had sex I was about to loose it to Mason Wright this is every girls dream. But was it my dream? Would I ever get to meet this man again. He rammed his hand  up my black mini skirt and whispered," I am not making you do this if you do not want to Maci." The control of my body left my mind and he pushed it me and we had hot passionate sex for three hours. My body feed off of his and he made me feel so beautiful the way he kissed me and the way he came undone in me the way he moaned my name. The way his sexy brown hair fit in my hands the way he kissed me everywhere. I just was so tired after everything we passed out on a blanket on the backstage floor. When I woke up to the sunlight hitting my eyes he smiled at me and said," Good morning beautiful, may I buy you breakfast I am hungry?" I shook my head and he tossed me a oversize shirt with his face on it I looked up at him with my messy hair." I am so sorry I am not a morning person I am so sure I have never done this before. " 

" Are you telling me your a virgin or are you telling me you never had a boyfriend?'" I just tucked my hair down and shook my truck keys at him. He threw back his head and snatched them and he grabbed my hand and we ran outside. When we ran out the flashing from the cameras  starting from the moment we ran out the door. " Mason is this your new girlfriend?" " Mason did you have sex last night?" " Aren't you still with American's sweetheart still? Who is this mystery woman just a fan." I pointed to my truck and he helped me in and he peeled out of the parking lot, when I was able to look at phone it was already 4pm my friend texted me and told her boy she met last night was taking her home. She falls in love to fast but Sarah is my best friend she stood by me thru everything. I am going to need to know if those boy will break my heart or I am going to sit back and enjoy the ride. I liked this boy and I thought he was the cutest man ever and I was so shocked that he has given me the time of day. We began to drive and I saw Nashville leave thru the window I looked at him and he looked at me he patted the seat next to him. I slide next to him and he put his arm around me. " So do you have music in this truck?" I began to go thru my cd's to see every cd I have is of him? " I shook my head my no and began to tuck his cd's under the seat and he looked at me and snatched the cd's. He began to laugh at me and he looked at me and he said." I am taking my number fan on a date." I began to turn bright red and I wanted to get out and hide under a rock. He pulled into this huge mansion I looked at him and as he keep driving in. " Come on lets get out my parents should be home."  I looked at myself how I was under dressed and on top and I do not look like I fit in here. He opened my door and we walked into this beautiful home it was so beautiful and I walked down the living room wall to see Mason's gold records on the wall. " Honey is that you?" He walked to the corner and I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen she was in a white blazer outfit and she looked so put together." Mama this is Maci she is my date I wanted to bring her to meet you guys." She looked at me up and down. " Well it is nice to meet you Maci. What do you do for a living? And what do you want with my son." I just dropped my mouth and I can not begin to speak," I am in college full time and I am not working due to going to school I just wanted to get to know him I am not sure yet." She just sighed and replied," So your using him for his money." I just was so mad I never asked him for money and I do not think of him as money bank. He barley knows me and I do not know him that well I am not wanting anything from him. I stood closer to her and said," You will not speak to me like that, I do not want your sons money I do not want it and I barley know your son."  She looked at me with shook more or less because I do not think people stand up to her.

After that situation I was put in I wanted to just go back home to my normal life and just go thru this thing called life. Because me and Mason were two different people not meant to be I am not some girl that will sit down and just be told what to do. Or even pretend to be something I am not I do not come from money and I do not know how to be the center of attention I just know how to be me. I lost my virginity to someone I had know nothing about that goes against everything I knew, this is not me. I am just a basic girl who does not enough the fast pace life I am comfortable being me and blending into life. I do wish to stand out and I do not wish to have my life public. The next few weeks I began to get comfortable in my normal schedule and school began again. I barley see my friend anymore since she moved in with that boy she met at the concert and she just became so distant. I was sitting in my truck trying to get ready for school. For some reason I am always so tired and I have no energy but I have to keep going. I decided to not go to school and drove home to my moms and dads house and when I walked into my room I went straight to bed. When I woke up it was noon I decided to go to the walk in clinic to make sure I did not have the flu. " So Maci we have to do a pregnancy test for the birth control shot then we test you for the flu and strep." I shook my head because I had nothing to be worried about. When she walked in I already felt like something was wrong, I felt like my whole life was going to change. " Maci, honey your pregnant and by the timeline you gave me your 10 weeks pregnant." I began to cry I did not think that you get pregnant on the first time. And then on top of that I knew I was going to raise this baby alone because there is no way Mason would even want a baby right now he is in the peak of his career and I can not ruin his life. Over the next week or so I guess reality hit me this is going to be my normal life. But I am not sure that I am ready for this but I guess I made my choices when I slept with him. I was nervous and I did not have a plan for this because I never seen in my future having kids. But I do believe this baby choose me to be its mother. So this baby is a mine and I will never stop trying to be what this baby needs. I got a job at the hospital

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