Letting go.

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I am so glad that I have the family that I have, we have learned to laugh and love enjoy the life we have. Being famous is not easy to adjustment but Mason has always been working hard and I know he is so hardworking. He loves me so much and our family and he never gives up on me and he constantly supports me and never gives up on me.  Our kids are turning out to be amazing and I am so proud of the way there doing, Lacey is suppose to be graduating a year early and she is planning on going to college. And she is planning on going to California to go to college she wants to be a lawyer. And even though she has big dreams we support her no matter what and I want to make sure that she has to the best life ever. We have a lot of plans in place to make sure that these kids have the best life ever. And as parents we want give the kids the best life they deserve and make sure that they have what they want. Since as a kid I did not have what I want all the time I want to give that my kids. And I can not believe that soon she will be off to California. I will miss her and she is my best friend and I can not think of her not being there all the time. She told me that no matter what she will always love me and that I have always been her mom. Me and Mason has been the parents that she wanted and that she loved us. Luke is a mess he thinks that he is a badass and there times where he will take Mason's guitar and sing and dance. And Walker is so chill she does not cry and she just lets us do whatever we need to do and she is starting to sit up on here own and learns to walk on her own. And I can not think of my life without them kids they are my rock. Me and Mason also grew way closer and I am so grateful for that. He stills works a lot but he keeps growing with me and I think that as time goes on that we will keep growing together.

I was in the house alone Mason was working in the studio and the kids were with grandpa and Lacey was at a school dance. I just was cleaning up and throwing out things and doing what I need to do to keep the house cleaned and organized. I went up to the kids room went thru room to room and keeping everything cleaned, I went into Lacey's room picking up trash. And I went to her bathroom trying to take the trash out when I stopped in my tracks. I saw a very familiar box buried in the trash. When I picked it up I saw a pregnancy test and when I flipped it over I saw a positive test. I looked at it and my heart just dropped I felt so bad for her. She is going to be a teen mom and people will think that me and mason let these kids do whatever they want. I am so scared for her, I thought she had plans and goals and what am I suppose to do? What will Mason do? This will look bad on him having a teenage daughter pregnant and it will be on his brand. I called Mason and told him to hurry home and I kept looking thru the bathroom to see condoms and birth control and cigarettes and some pills. I grabbed everything up and sat it on the coffee table in the living room when Mason walked in he saw me on the couch. I handed him the pregnancy test he looked at me in shock," Maci I thought we were not planning on having anymore kids for a while we just had a baby nine months ago. Are we ready to have another kid?" I smacked him on shoulder," This all is Lacey and she is pregnant." He shot up and started yelling anything and everything. I went to take his hand to calm him down and he jerked away from me and slammed his hand on the counter." We tried day in and day out to raise her and give her a better life than what she would have and she went and messed up all of her plans! Your suppose to be married and a serious relationship and settle down before kids!" When he said that I was taken back and kind of shocked more like dumbfounded. " So pretty much everything I was not."  He tried to grab me as I tried to walked away I turned around in anger and yelled," I GAVE YOU three KIDS AND A BONUS CHILD I AM SORRY WE DID NOT PLAN ANY OF THEM!" I went to the room and slammed the door and I did not think that our kids weren't planned. We wanted kids but we really did plan Cole he was made out of love and so was Luke and Walker was a honeymoon baby. Lacey was a bonus child we did not do the late nights with her or the changing or teaching her to walk. We did the hard part in my opinion and she is a teenager and she needed us we bought her a car and taught her to drive. She just needed me her mom was not able to be there for her. 

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