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A lot of changes happened since he finished his music career he decided to change the past of what happened between us. And he has shown me everyday how much love he has for me, and things has been vey different raising our son. We added someone else to our family it was a last minute choice but my friend who was there when I met Mason she had a daughter a thirteen year old daughter. And she was found in rehab and someone showed up our door, and they asked if we would take custody of her daughter. We were trying to manage our son and with the changes he was going thru because he was growing so big he is now a year and it is hard on me and mason. We are so young and now we had to choice to help this girl or let her go into the system because her dad did not want her. And I could not imagine this young girl in the system because I loved her mom at one point but we grew apart, but I had to choice if it was a good fit for our family. As me and Mason talked about we decided it was not going to be a permeant thing and a few months to a year she would go home, but then we got the call about 10 months into having her mom got a hold of some drugs in rehab and overdosed. She did not make it and we were stuck with the choice to adopt her or take her out of the life we had given her and send her into the system. But me and Mason and our lawyers we filed for full custody and ended up adopting her. At the end of the day the day we adopted her it was the best choice we made she fit into our family so well and I could not let her go back into a unknow life, I simply could not do it. So we changed the way this girl life would have been, so I am grateful that we could do that for her. When I tell you were scared we were we did not want to mess up her life, and I can not be without her but taking on the damage this young girl has been thru. But we still had to raise our son and she has been taking up time because she is having a hard time, and that is the hardest thing to do. I am so proud to do this for my friend and to help her daughter, this is so sweet to do that for her..

I grabbed Luke and kissed him on the forehead and sat him in the highchair and I handed him a plate of banana's. Lacey came down and hugged me," Mama I want to go to school tomorrow." I forgot to call the school with everything that has been happening. My head was just spinning," I will get you in school and we will start tomorrow." Mason walked  in I handed him the baby food and pointed to Luke. I picked up the phone and called the school, I missed the deadline so I can not enroll till next semester so she told me to come down tomorrow to finish the paperwork. I hated to do this but I am going to send my husband so maybe he can maybe talk to them and encourage them to start her. I just been so jumbled and trying to raise Luke and Lacey trying to adjust everything to settle down. But it has been so crazy here I can barley keep up with everything going on. Life is not easy with two kids, I looked at Mason," I need you to take Lacey to school to enroll her tomorrow." He looked at me and Luke looked at me with food down his face and Mason shook his head. I grabbed the clothes hamper and went to the room to put them away and I just got so tired of everything going on. Stress is changing me and I can do is sit back and watch everything change between us. I want to make sure that we are happy and so full of love and I do not want to think of what could happen if we do not work together, I love my Mason but we put us on the back burner it is about the kids. And we do not really have time to do anything to do for ourselves. I am scared he is not happy because he stays in his truck more once he comes home and he just looks sad. And he does not how to take care of Lacey but I know he loves her but she is not his flesh and blood and love is hard. She is not easy love because of the way her mom did not feed her well and would yell and scream at her. I feel so bad because I feel like I could do so much. I heard Mason call me and I walked down and saw him trying to get Luke out of the chair but Lacey is screaming and twirling around making a mess." Lacey go to your room it is bedtime go." She came towards me running and screaming and hit me in the stomach, I got so mad so I grabbed her by her hand and spanked her. " Listen to me you may have gotten away with this at your moms but not here. I have a son and your upsetting go to bed now!" She stormed to her room and slammed the door and screamed the counselor told her just to let her go and get it out she is angry.

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