Rumors Flew

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Summer was fun while it lasted I was able to travel all of the USA with Mason Wright the country star. I was able to be blasted all over many tabloids I was also able to meet many famous people. Being treated like a queen for four months being brought out on stage introduced to millions of Wright fans was the enjoyment of my summer. I was able to leave my trouble in my small town of only thousand people. My name was now everywhere and I was constantly hated by many woman for taking the man they spent years and many hours thinking about and crushing on. I was not trying to with Mason but the more time we spent together the more I was so sure I want to be with this man. But I have something that might change everything between us I am late like four months late. I was enjoying the summer to much with him to settle down and slow down to even remember my period how was I able to forget? Time has settled and I am back home in my dads house. He was so worried about me being all over the world with a man I have only know for six months but us being apart for two months while he was in another country we talked everyday. And my life has been so normal again then I started to feel sick and he is due to be home in a week or so. But this is my safe haven the one place I do not have to fear being brought up here or my picture being taken to keep tabs on me. I have been avoiding Mason for a week to clear my head for once I want to be Maci. Apart of me missed being a nobody and I want to my privacy and I am so scared, this is so hard on me no matter what I do I am somewhere photographed with Mason. I went to the bathroom as the timer went off when I picked up the tests I saw all 4 of them read pregnant. My heart sank he was in the middle of his music career I could not ruin this man's life no matter what I do. I could not live with myself for doing this to him I just picked them up and put them in the trash and turned off my phone and went to bed. I was so scared fear set in my heart and I am twenty and I am college student I had plans. How could I be so dumb to let this happen. This man would not be able to help me thru this or be there to support me mentally. I am suppose to be graduating college in a year, I had plans to move out of this town and start a new life for myself and one day start a family and get married but I did things so ass backwards. My heart is attached to a man who is a traveling man, I just do not want to tell him I do not want to ruin his world, cause stress on him or ruin his career.

My phone was ringing on and on it woke me up out of a dead sleep I looked at the time it was three am I groaned. It was Mason I was shocked I forgot all about our late night phone calls, he texted me he was going to be two days late from tour. I just ignored it and saw my photos of me and him next to his autograph. It made me smile I was a small town girl that made my dreams come true, I got to go from crushing on a country singer to falling for me to having there baby. I was just planning on a normal boring summer to having dreams come true. I was able to see the white house to seeing the arch in Missouri. Drink beer with Luke Combs, but then I was slowing starting to miss who I was, I was just painted to be a woman who broke Americas heart due to dating Morgan Wright. Most of the night I was sitting on the couch just staring in point blank at the wall, my heart was hurting from the shock of everything. I wish I had a crash course of learning who I was and now I am having a baby by myself and I am shocked. I'm not sure to be a mom or what to expect. The whole time I was worried about college and never worked or saved money I refuse to ask him for money or child support. But I am now realizing I can not be with Morgan, I can not be with him I can not ruin his life. My heart wants him but I have a baby to think about, I pulled my phone out and text Morgan. " I love you Morgan I am sure glad I met you, you stole my heart from the moment I was with you but I have to focus on me and take care of myself. And do not think for one second I do not love you or do not want anything to do with you I do but I can not drag you down and ruin your life, Goodbye Maci."

I went to the doctor the next morning to confirm my pregnancy the lady looked at me like she knew me. But I never seen this woman before in my life she asked so many questions I was so ready to just know if this was going to be my life a mom I am so scared. She laid me back and on the machine she told me I was four months pregnant. I began to cry I was going to be a mom in five months. But what was going to happen next I could not prepare for, this is why I was scared to even leave my house Mason was known everywhere and I am not safe my life was not safe. When I got home my dad was still gone to work so I was alone he is home once a week out of the month due to the truck driver life. I had to grow up so fast and I want to make sure my baby is happy and having the best life ever. Being sick was the worst thing ever for almost two weeks straight I was so sick I was miserable. I was constantly sick and I was so tired and I was so weak the baby was making me very weak. My phone was going off I checked it out it was my friend telling me to turn on CMT. I already knew it had to do with Morgan I was so not ready to see his new girlfriend or something. When I turned on the tv I saw it was Morgan latest concert I heard him crying on stage and he said," I lost the woman I love, I was not wanting to loose her she was suppose to be the woman I wanted to marry!" This broke my heart I did not want to loose him I did not know he would want to marry me. I felt like a complete idiot for leaving him I did not losing him would destroying me. In the short time we were together I was the happiest when I was with him he completed me I can not imagine my life without him. He was sweet he showed me the best things of life, we would play rock paper scissors to see who was paying the check because I did not want to seem money hungry.

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