Chapter 2: a new friend

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The trip to the trading tree was long and awkward it was filled of silence, awkward glances, blushes, and attempted small talk interrupted by small talk. Even the trades for juice was met by a subtle hand touch. They just decided to drink their juice and watch others play and talk on a stump.

Alex:(slurps and glances)

Kat:(slurps and glances till.) Oh yeah, um. Who was it your were worried about?

Alex: hmm, oh um. It was Sam.

Kat: and.

Alex: and.

Kat: what happened to Sam? Did you guys fight or something?

Alex: uh I..I Don't know. I mean everything seemed normal except.

Kat listen to Alex talk about his day yesterday. What happened at school to the conversation they had when things felt weird. Somewhere it went to accusations,theories and unclear mumbling.

Kat: whoa, clam down. Its ok. Maybe he. Isn't feeling well. Why don't we go to his house, or just you. But I'll be here for emotional support if you want to go alone I mean.

Alex: do you want to come with me?

Kat: you sure? I can go, even if me and Sam are close?

Alex: yeah, why not. Just you know.

Kat: hmm oh yes yes.

After finishing their juices and throwing them away, they both headed to Sam's house. Alex went on about him and Sam as Kat listen. It was fun.

Alex: sorry

Kat: why?

Alex: for only talking about me and Sam. It must be pretty boring. What do you wanna talk about?

Kat: not really, I like hearing about you two. You are very close. Um oh what about your favorite video game?

Alex: you play video games?

Kat: yep( puffs out her chest proudly)

Alex: that is awesome.

Kat: so?

Alex: oh uh that game fighting game um?


Alex: yeah that one. You?

Kat: same.

Alex and Kat soon arrives at Sam's house. Alex didn't know why he was nervous. It wasn't the first time at his house. His parents car were here. Sam hasn't responded ethier.

Kat:(puts a hand on Alex shoulder) hey, its ok man. I got your back.(taps her chest with her hand and a wink.)

Alex:(takes a deep breath) ok, here we go.(knocks)

No one answers. No Sam or his parents. Alex knocks again. Confused takes a look around. They have the right house. That's their car. They should be home and awake now. What should he do. No one is answering. Should he go or-
Kat bangs so loud Alex thought she was trying to break the door.


Notthing for a while but there is what sounds like some talking. They sound a little mad but Alex and Kat can't understand they are saying. Soon after footsteps are heard and locks unlock and the door begin to open. Behind the small crack reveals a sad looking Sam.

Alex: Sam ( tries to approach closer.)

Sam: don't come any closer, I cannot play today or tomorrow. Please leave.

Alex: Sam, what s wrong? Why are you acting like this?

A voice from inside grabs Sam's attention.

Sam: ok. Coming. Sorry I have to go.

Sam begins to close the door but stops. It won't budge. Sam looks through the gap. Sees a hand in the middle. He looks down and sees a foot. It is Kat and she doesn't look happy.

Kat: That's it. That's all you have to say. Alex was so worried about you. If you are mad then say so.

The voice inside sounds a little louder. It sounds like Sam's mom telling to close the door. With a bad word in between.

Kat: oooo someone said a bad word

Sam: sorry, please leave. I really gotta go. I can't talk right now.

Kat: oh yeah then listen, cause I have a lot to say to-

A hand touches Kat's shoulder grabbing her attention. It is Alex and he shakes his head signaling Kat to stop.

Kat: but.

Alex:(shakes head) its okay.

Kat slips his foot and hand out off the door. And it closes and you can hear the door lock a second later. Kat is still mad and sticks out her tongue before leaving the door step.

Kat: what a jerk.

Alex: its not his fault. Something must have happen.

Kat gers and rants about how they should've drag Sam out of the house and never let go and how Alex should be more angry but Alex keeps saying its ok and tries to calm her down.

Alex: lets-lets get some ice cream from the duck mart. My treat.

Kat Pouts but agrees and so they do and its not long before Kat calms down eating her yummy creamy strawberry ice cream with a delightful face with pure bliss. Alex eats his blue bubblegum ice cream. they soon argue about who has the better ice cream. They started laughing joking and poking each other at one point some gets on Kat's nose and she tries to get it with her tongue but fails and decides to catch a taste of Alex's ice cream.

Alex: hey.

Kat: (laughs and playfully sticks her tongue ot) mines better.

Alex also sneaks a bite of Kat's ice cream in retaliation and sticks out tongue and starts a tongue war and laughter. Soon the dinner song plays and kids started to go home.

Kat: guess its dinner time. Well it was fun.

She gets up and hugs Alex as he gets up too.

Alex: wanna hang out tomorrow?

Kat:(she smiles a big smile) that sounds awesome.

They exchange numbers and make plans. Alex thanks Kat for hanging out and for helping him with Sam.Kat tells him no problem dude and hits in the shoulder. Anytime she says and with that they say their goodbyes and walks in the direction of home waving.

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