dress or no dress code, that is the debate

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Sam: this is stupid. a dress code, why do we need a dress code. its the creek, not school. like suriously right?

Kat and Alex agreed with sam as he went through his rant about people's view about nudity. like we are born naked, all bodies are beatiful and we shouldn't be ashamed. how people are saying to think about the younger children and how stupid that is because their are younger children in the nudist group and so on and so on. sam ended in a arguement with another kid who disagreed with him.

Kat: i hope they don't make a dress code.

Alex: same, i mean the nudity kinda bothers me but they arn't hurting anyone.

kat agrees and naked boy behind a bush agrees, scaring them both and starts ranting about the stupid dress code at school and the benifits to not wearing clothes in the creek like how they can get as wet and dirty as much as they want and what not. the creek is pretty much seperated on the whole matter.
today was susposed to be fun. but no matter where they went was fights, protests. sam was very supportive, so much that he started giving kat and alex rain checks to help them. sometimes it was just kat and alex.

days pass and it was finaly declared that there would be no dress code, except some exceptions that each group deal with it on there own. that didn't really make anyone happy, but most acepted it. it should be over right, no more fighting and things go back to normal... right.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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