Chapter 7

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After a few days and a lot of talking back and forth with Alex and his parents. They both made pleads, ground rules and others. Alex's parents finally ungrounded him and he was free to go to the creek again. Things look like they were getting better. He's been hanging around with Sam and Kat and that's awesome. Sam is still dealing with the divorce and Kat seems like she has something and they are kinda awkward with each other, they get along but don't really talk with one another without Alex there. Alex thought and thought on how to help bring them closer?

Alex: so what do you guys wanna do?

Kat: hmm. Whatever you wanna do.

Sam: eh, same here.

Alex: how about a sleepover at my house, we can play tournament racing deluxe or binge on metaflex and tell scary stories.

Kat: at night, sorry. I don't think my parents will allow me.

Sam: I don't mind,but will your parents be ok with it?

Alex: maybe not, but you never know. Oh how about hide and seek.

Sam and Kat: yeah.

Hide and seek, a classic game to play. Simple too, one seeks/looks for the ones hiding. Its funny how it can become a game of tag with some kids. Anyway Alex lost on not it and became it. He counted to 100 and begin searching for his friends which Alex realize is harder than he thought. The thing for hide and seek in the creek is that there's many places to hide. Good for hiders, bad for seekers. Alex searched and went deeper in each direction, almost frustrating and he wonders where they could be hiding is he hotter or colder to where they are. For a time he stops and listens for any sign. Footsteps, laughter, anything at this point, and his prayers are answered and hears rustling in a bush.

Alex: found you.

Its not his friends, instead it was a naked boy with a soccer ball.

Alex: sorry, I thought you were someone else(he says while blushing and taking a step back.)

Naked boy: its ok. Hi, my name is David(holds his left hand and drops the ball)

Alex: hi, my name is Alex(shakes back). You do know you're naked,right?

David: yep.

Alex: and that s ok, people can see everything.

David: I don't care.

Soon kids of all ages and gender come behind David naked without a care. They asked what s taking so long,and David introduces Alex red face and all. They say hi and introduce themselves, Stacy, Max, Trevor, Steve, Jackie just to name a few. Alex does his best to keep his composure and being polite. He can barely look in their direction and when he does he tries not looking at private parts and such. One of them asks if he ok and close for comfort and was told to give him space and then.

Kat: are we still playing?

Sam: yeah, its almost dinner.

Before Alex could answer and funny enough Sam and Kat were walking toward his direction and saw everyone and everything. Kat blush and putting her hands to face as if attempting to block her eyes and yet not. Sam didn't seem bothered by this, he was so calm and chilled that he even hug while saying hi. Alex and Kat wondered why Sam was so cool about it. It even seemed he knew some of them. Alex and Kat looked at each other Confused and embarrassed. Some time passed and with Sam talking to the others before he went back to Kat and Alex. They bombarded him with questions. He laughed and told about how some kids feel freedom and that they're basically like the animals in that one movie. Many have their reasons. For their lifestyles and if they wanted to know more, they're more than welcomed to ask, but to be ready for a lot of nudity.

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