chapter 6: snacks and mystery

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Alex: Are you ok?

Kat continued to whimper,shiver and mutter. Alex tried his best to understand what she was saying. He picked up that she kept saying sorry and scared. He rubbed her back and shushes.

Alex: its ok, you have nothing to be sorry about. You are safe now, I'm here now. Everything's gonna be alright.

She calmed down a bit and sniffled, not willing to let go. She took a deep breath.
She tried speaking more clearly but still troubled. Alex Offered some leftover snacks and drinks and told her there's no need to rushed. He's not gonna run away. She let go and dried her tears from her eyes. Said thank you and began to eat and drink.Alex stared at her smiling. She had some food on her face and he thought that it was cute and let out a chuckle. Kat glance and laughed.

Kat: what s so funny?

Alex: nothing.

Kat: why are laughing then?

Alex smiled and snatched a bit of cream from her cheek. Which caused her to blushed and look away.she smiled and a hint of uneasy filled her face.

Kat: we're still friends right?

Alex: hmm. Of course, why?

Kat: its just that you haven't been at the creek since that day. I thought maybe you were mad or worse.

Alex: oh yeah, sorry. I actually got grounded. Still grounded but don't tell.

Kat and Alex laughed and talked about what they missed and did. They joked.

Alex: I'm sorry.

Kat: why are you sorry?

Alex explained about the monster he saw and how he's sorry he didn't check up on her to see if she was okay. Kat seemed nervous as she replied back that it was ok. And they told each other that they're happy one another were ok.

Alex: by the way what did you wanted to talk about?

Kat: uh its nothing, really. Just wanted to talk is all.*as she moves her hands pretty much everywhere.

Alex: ok. Anyway its good to see you again.

Kat: same.

Alex felt his phone vibrate and again felt fear from it. Kat notices and asks what s wrong. Alex tells her he should probably go if that is ok. She gives him the go ahead and say their goodbyes.
As Alex runs to home,a mysterious figure comes out behind Kat.

Mysterious figure: does he know?

Kat: No.

MF: you're not lying are you?

Kat: yes.

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