Mental BreakDown

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Randy walked in and looked directly at Jessica, I got up and walked over to Randy.

"Dad, can we talk?" He nodded his head yes and we went outside the door.

"Who's kid is that?" I paused for a second.

"Mine.." I said in a whisper.

"What did you just say?" He sounded mad.

"She's mine!" I raised my voice.

"She's yours?" He said shocked.

"She's mine ok! 2 years ago my ex boyfriend made me have her! He made me! He said if I didn't have her he'll tell everyone that I'm a whore and sleep with every guy!"

"Lizz-" I cut him off.

"I'm not a whore! Shut up shut up shut up!" I was screaming at myself, "Why did you tell them that! Everyone is calling me a whore, slut, bitch, and a hoe! This is your fault! It's all your fault Blaze! I hate you!" I was screaming at myself when Randy grabbed my shoulders.

"Lizzy!" I kept going, "I hate you! You want her take her! Your the one who started this! You did it and you know it, how could you do this to me!" I was breathing heavily and tears were going down my face, I put my hands in my hair.

"Lizzy calm down. It's ok. I'm here and I'm not mad." I looked at him.


"I'm sorry Lizzy."

"He did this to me! Everything that's happened is because of him! He hurt me more than anyone could ever hurt me! He would even lock me in a closet just to have me wait all day for him to comeback and hit me and touch me! He makes me want to kill myself." I ran passed Randy to the stairs until I was a few floors down then threw myself down the stairs and started screaming my head off. I took out the pocket knife I had and slit my wrists deep and hard, blood flowed out fast and thick. I slammed my head on the stairs a few more times, I laid there and looked down at my arms and saw 2 huge puddles of blood from my slit wrists. I was getting dizzy... Everything was spinning and fuzzy, I stood up but my knees were so weak and I was light headed. I heard the door open right when I fell back down and hit my head, I didn't black out for some reason? I felt 2 strong arms lift me up, "Lizzy! Liz, please answer me!" My eyes were closed but I knew it was Mike, I couldn't answer right away cause it was hard to talk so Mike held me tight and said "Please say something! Baby wake up! Lizzy I love you." He paused, "Mike." I said it in a slow groggy tone.

"Thank god, I thought you killed yourself." I shook my head no, "Not yet." I said in a whisper.

"Ok, I'm taking you to the hospital." I felt him start to run somewhere then lay me down in the backseat of his car. He stopped the car a few minutes later then picked me back up, I felt cold metal under my skin and a hand on my head while I felt a needle go into my arm. I mumbled from the pain, "Oh my god she's still awake!"

"Put her under! Now!" I felt something go over my nose and I felt no pain or anything, I think I was suppose to get knocked out but I could still hear people talking, "Poor girl, she almost died." What? I almost died!? "Thank god you got her here as fast as you did, if she would have lost anymore blood she would have died."

"I love her to much to let that happen." Mike.. I couldn't feel anything, not even if I was sad or scared... It was quiet for a long time, I felt someone pick me up and put me on what felt like a bed. It was so quite till I heard a door open and heard footsteps make their way closer to me then felt someone take my hand, "I caused this, if I would have just talked to her and not yelled at her this wouldn't have happened to her." It was my dad Randy, "It's not your fault Randy, even if you would have talked, the memories and pain from those years ago still would have come up... It's not anyone's fault but that jackass Blaze kid." I think it was John, no it sounded like Punk, it was Punk. "The next time I see that kid he's dead. Nobody hurts my little girl." I just wanted to hug my dad and tell him sorry over and over again.

"Mr.Orton?" I didn't know who said that, probably a doctor, "Yea?"

"This is only information family should hear first." The doctor said.

"They are family so what did you need to tell us?" I heard someone sigh, "She seems to be ok at the moment, she lost a lot of blood, but we don't know about her mental state."

"What do you mean?" I heard Mike speak up.

"She almost killed herself, and when we examined her cuts we found many more scars on each wrist, even over 20 on her legs. We've also discovered that she has had some drug abuse problems not to mention the suicide attempts she's done." I heard 2 people sigh and felt the person who was holding my hand turn both my wrists over and felt someone run there fingers over my cuts and scars.

"How do you know about that?" It was Mike, "We contacted her other relatives and friends."

"But why'd she cut her legs?" It was John now, how many people were in here!?

"Most likely to hide her pain from others, she didn't want others to see the pain see felt... But there is a few things we did find that were very concerning."

"What?" That was Punk.. Ok so Randy, Mike, John, and Punk were in here.

"She seems to have cut the words Stupid, Ugly, Fat, and the letters J and R into both her wrists." That's when I knew I could say something but my mouth and eyes wouldn't open, "We want to put her into a institution for a few weeks to see how her mental state is." I had to wake up and say no, come on Lizzy wake up. WAKE UP!


"But Mr.Orton she-" Randy cut him off, "No! You don't know the whole story and even if you did you could never understand what this girl has been through! She has been beaten by her own mother and I wasn't there to protect her! The point is that you are not taking her away from us, she has a loving life now and I will not have that taken from her again." He still held my hands, nobody said anything after what Randy said. I knew this was when I had to wake up and say something, "And if you try to put her in an institution I will personally fuck you up." It was Punk, they really did love me didn't they..

"Ok, we won't but we do have to keep her over night." I didn't hear anyone say anything so they probably just nodded their heads, I heard someone leave the room.

"Wait! Who's watching Jessica!" It was John.

"Don't worry, I called A.J after I put Liz in the car." Mike thinks of everything, I love him. I needed to say something, I don't know why but something was just telling me to say something. I tried to open my mouth but nothing happened, come on Lizzy talk.. Open your mouth and say something!

"Daddy." I said it in almost a whisper and it was scratchy, I opened my eyes to and saw Randy, Punk, Mike, and John all looking at me.

"Hey baby girl, how ya feelin?" I shrugged my shoulders cause it hurt to talk, after I stopped screaming my head off my throat hurt like hell. Mike came over to me and held my other hand, Randy opened his mouth but was interrupted by someone walking in the door. Blaze

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