Chapter 11

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"WOO!" I shot my eyes open and saw that Phil and John were in Mikes locker room.

"What the hell?" I groaned as I held Jessica tighter since she felt cold.

"Shit! I told you that would wake her up!"

"Shut up Phil!"

"No you shut up John!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP BEFORE YOU WAKE MY KID UP!" I yelled and closed my eyes again, "And where the hell is Mike?"

"He's in a match." I nodded my head and felt someone put their jacket over us, "Thank you." I said.

"Your welcome." John replied.


"I'm right here Jessy." She opened her eyes and yawned.

"You guys just had to wake my kid up." I said as I sat up and put her in my lap, I leaned back and Jessica leaned back on me and I wrapped Johns jacket around the front of her as John and Phil sat on each side of me.

"Philly." Jessica said raising her arms up, Phil picked her up and she sat in his lap and closed her eyes.

"She's just like you, always so tired."

"Shut up Phillip."

"No need to use my full name Elizabeth!"

"I like my name, so ha!"

"I like my name." John said, "My name is Jonathan!"

"Good job John, you know your own name!" Phil said.

"Shut it Phillip."

"Both of you shut it." I said as the door opened and a sweaty Mike walked in.

"Look who's up!" He said and kissed me quick causing Ewww's to come from John and Phil, "Im gonna take me a shower!"

"Good cause you stink." I said.

"Well then!" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I love Jessica." Phil said smiling, "She's so cute!" I smiled but felt pain in my stomach, I ignored it thinking it was just cramps or something... Mike came out all clean and clothed then picked me up and sat in my seat making me sit in his lap, John and Phil were being called to the stage so Phil carefully handed me Jessica then left with John.

"We should you back to the hotel so we can pack, were flying to New York."

"Ok." I stood up and set Jessica down so I could put her jacket on but she woke up, "I do it!" She said struggling to put her jacket on, "Help mommy!" She said as her arm got stuck, I helped her the held her hand as we walked out of Mikes locker room back to my dads to grab me and Jessica's stuff. When we did we went to Mikes car and drove to the hotel, when we got their Mike got Jessica and I grabbed he bag of toys and we walked upstairs. We walked in and I flopped down on the bed, Mike laid Jess next to me and I held her close and felt Mike crawl into to other spot next to me.

"I love you." I said closing my eyes.

"I love you to baby." He turned the TV on the turned the lights off and pulled the blanket over me and Jess, I got that pain in my stomach again. Something didn't feel right? I have a bad feeling about this.

Sort chapter I KNOW!!!!! BUTTTT the next on will be longer and WAYYY BETTER!!! I'll try to get it up by tomorrow!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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