Alex did it

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Daddy!" I yelled again but he didn't answer so I moved over to Mike, "Mike?" No answer, "Mike! Mike please wake up!" I cried into his chest then heard something, I turned around and saw BigShow standing there smiling which made me scream. Jessica ran over to me and hid behind me, "I see you found them." I just sat there holding Jessica while I cried, "They put up fight so I had to knock them out, and your next little girl." He walked over to me slowly but was jumped on by John, Phil, and Cody. I put Jessica's head in my chest and saw Phil run over to me, I cried into his chest and he picked me up with Jessica and ran out of the room. I heard him open a door then set me down on a couch, "Lizzy, I'm gonna make sure Randy and them are ok, lock the door when I leave." I nodded my head and he got up after kissing my head and I locked the door when he walked out, "Mommy, I'm scared." I went over to Jess and held her.

"It's ok babygirl, Mommys here."

"Mommy I wants Mike." I stood up still holding her and walked around the room.

"I do to but he might be hurt. But when he gets back you can go with him." I heard a knock at the door and I jumped, "Liz it's me." I opened the door and Phil, John, Randy, Mike, and Adam walked in, they all seemed fine and Jessica got right down off me and went up to Mike who picked her up and hugged her like she was his own.

"Lizzy, you guys ok?" Randy asked me as him and Adam sat down on the couch but Mike stood up with Jess who was hugging his neck.

"Yea, were fine... Just scared." I went over and sat in between Randy and Adam.

"Did he hurt Jess?"

"No, but he did scared the living hell outta us."

"Trust me, he won't be doing it again." Adam said and Randy looked at my wrists, "Where's your bandages?"

"Oh, on the floor somewhere..."

"Come on, I'll take you to get them wrapped." Mike said and I got up and he took my hand as we walked down the hall, "Liz?"


"How did your bandages get off?" I sighed, "I ran into Kane and he saw my wrists and asked me about them and I told him then he said 'I thought I knew pain but I guess I was wrong.' And Justin saw so he asked me if I was ok and stuff and I kinda snapped and tore off my bandages off I'm fine." I said as I looked at my wrists, "I'm so stupid..." I told myself.

"No your not, you just made a stupid choice but that doesn't make you stupid."

"Yes it does, I mean look at what I did to myself." Mike took my wrist and held it till we got to the medic, he wrapped my wrists without asking why.

"Why don't we go back to the hotel? I don't think I have a match." Mike told me.

"Jess? You wanna go back to the hotel?" I asked her.

"Is Mike coming?"

"Yea babygirl, I'm coming." Mike said.

"Don't let that mean man do that again to mommy and me, he looked like daddy when he did that." I looked at Mike worried, "Jess, what do you mean he looked like daddy?"

"That's how daddy looks like when he hits me." I looked at Mike and he put Jessica's head in his chest, I put my head in hands and felt tears in my eyes and Mike pulled me into him.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know." Mike told me as we walked around.

"Can we go back to the hotel? If you have a match can you meet us there?" I asked him as he whipped my tears.

"Sure baby." I walked back into my dads locker room and everyone was still in there, I grabbed my things and my dad was the only one who saw I was crying.

Randy Orton is my dadWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt