Chapter 10

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I woke up to an empty bed, I probably kicked Mike out during the night. I looked over the side of the bed and saw Mike asleep on the floor, I leaned down and kissed his head then laid back down.

"Morning Lizzy." I snapped my head over and saw my dad who had Jessica asleep next to him.

"Oh, hey dad..."

"You sure were kickin last night, you kicked Mike right outta bed!"


"How ya feelin?"


"You wanna talk about it?" I shook my head no and grabbed my phone and saw that Phil had texted me 'Hey L.' 'Hey Philly.' I started playing Temple Run when he just had to reply and pause my game 'You alright?' 'Yea, just peachy.' 'Ok, if you wanna talk I'm here:)' I said ok then went back to playing until I died. Randy got dressed and went to the gym, I grabbed a blanket and put it over Mike. I put my hand on his head then kissed his cheek, I pulled away but he grabbed my hand.

"Kiss." He said and I gave him a real kiss.

"Sorry about kicking you out of bed..."

"It's ok baby." He kissed my nose and crawled on the bed with me, he stood up and picked Jessica up then laid back down with her on his side and me on his chest, "My girls." He said and I smiled.

"Mommy?" I heard Jessica say.

"I'm right here Jess." She crawled over Mike and and into my arms.

"Grandpa Randy squished me last night." I laughed and so did Mike.

"Grandpa? Man I feel old!" We looked up and saw Randy all sweaty.

"Well that's what you are, and that was a very quick workout?" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I actually just jumped in the pool." I smirked and he went to take a shower, Jessica got off the bed and got her favorite stuffed tiger then climbed on Mike.

"Hi Mike."

"Hi Jessy." He smiled as Jess crawled on me and played with her tiger, Mike kissed my head. "Who wants to go get ice cream!" Randy said walking out of the bathroom in gym shorts.

"Me!" Mike and Jessica said at the same time making me laugh, we got up and I went to the bathroom and changed into some shorts and CMPunk shirt then put Jessica in shorts and RKO shirt. We walked out and then walked down to the car, me and Mike held Jessica's hands and Randy startedskipping.

"Uh dad?"


"Why are you skipping?"

"It's my AJ impression!"

"Well it sucks." We stopped and saw AJ skip down the hall then skip around Randy, "Now that's how you do it!" She said.

"Now that's how you do it!" Randy mocked her so she did her crazy stare at him while he did his at her. "I bet AJ gives in." Mike said.

"Please! Randy is a wimp!" I said.

"Oh yea! Jessy who do you think is going to win?"

"Me!" She said.


"Cause I'm awesome!" She said making us laugh. We looked back at Randy and AJ, "Ahhh!" Randy said looking away, AJ smiled and skipped away. We continued to walk to the car when I jumped on Mikes back while Jessica ran up to Randy and held his hand, "Guess what?" Mike whispered.


"I love you."

"I love you to." We got to the car and Mike sat up front with Randy while I sat in the back with Jessica, "Mommy?"


"I wuv you!"

"I wuv you to Jessy." She saw her bag on the floor and grabbed it and opened it up then got her Tiger out, Randy pulled up to an ice cream place and got us ice cream then we ate in the car. When we finished we went to get Jessica her carseat, when I got her her carseat we headed to the arena. When we got there we all went to Randy's locker room except Mike who had to go talk some people, me and Jessica sat on the couch with the lights off as we watched Finding Nemo on my phone.


"Yes honey?"

"Can fishy's really talk."

"Not to us, but they can talk to each other." She moved in my lap and I hugged her close to me, Randy came out from the bathroom in his ring gear then sat next to me and Jessica.

"Grandpa Randy?"

"What sweetie?"

"Where are your pants?"

"I don't know?" I laughed as Jessy crawled in Randy's lap as I handed him my phone so they could still watch Finding Nemo. I stood up and walked out after putting Mikes jacket on that I stole from him, I sat on a crate in the hallway and sighed. I ran my hand through my hair and Randy walked out holding Jessy's hand, he picked her up and sat her next to me.

"I gotta go kick someone's as-" he stopped himself, "Butt!" He said then walked away, I but my arm around Jessica while she messed with the zipper on Mikes jacket. I closed my eyes as I felt Jessica slowly stop messing with the zipper and nuzzle into me. I was just about to fall asleep when I felt someone put their hand on my knee, I jumped up ready to kick them but stopped as I was it was Mike.

"Sorry baby, I was just gonna take my girls to my locker room."

"You just scared me..."

"Mikey's sorry." He said sticking his bottom lip out.

"It's ok baby." I said and kissed him, I stood up slowly careful not to wake Jessica up as I picked her up and held her as we walked to Mikes locker room. We got in and I laid down with Jessica on my chest, Mike sat down then put my head in his lap.

"I love you." Mike said as he kissed Jessica's head, "And I love you."

He said and softly kissed my lips.

"I love you to Mike." I whispered as I slowly fell asleep feeling safe with Mike.

Randy Orton is my dadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant