Chapter 3

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I woke up in a hospital bed with Mike at my side and Randy, John, Punk, and Triple H at the end of the bed. My wrist and head hurt like hell, everyone was looking at me so I turned on my side to hide from everyone.

"Liz?" It was John, I didn't say anything, I didn't want to talk... I just wanted to sleep forever. I closed my eyes and opened them thinking everything would go back to normal, but it didn't. I sat up but kept my head down, I felt someone take my hand, Mike. I let him keep his hand there.

"Hey L." Randy said as he made his way over to me, again, I didn't respond which made Randy look worried. I felt Mike lift my head with fingers, "Lizzy, can you talk?" I shook my head no and felt tears drop from my sea green eyes.

"Can me and Lizzy talk?" Mike said and I saw everyone leave, when there was nobody else in the room but me and Mike I was pulled into a hug.

"Lizzy, will you talk to me?"


"Lizzy, just come here." He held his arms open and I fell into them.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok baby."

"Is Randy still mad at me?"

"No, but he's mad at himself."


"He went to far, with everything your going through right now then him yelling and being mad at you like that.. He didn't think you would try to kill yourself." I put my head down.

Randy Orton is my dadWhere stories live. Discover now