Chapter 4

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"What do you mean he never went back to the hotel?!" I asked John.

"He never came back! I tried calling him but he didn't answer!" We all looked worried, we heard the doctor come in.

"Hello Mrs.Orton, how ya feeling?"


"Great, I'm just going to check your stitches to make sure there ok then you can leave."

"Awesome." He checked my stitches and I signed some papers then me and Mike headed to his car.

"I wonder where he is."

"Have you tried calling him?"

"Yea but he won't answer!" Mike took my hands and turned to me, "It's going to be ok, we're going to find him. Now, we can track his phone."

"We can?"

"Yea, I just have to put in his number and..." Mike paused so he could enter some stuff, "He's somewhere downtown, lets go." We got into his car and he followed the map, we stopped in front of an alley and we got out of the car. Mike took my hand and we walked down the alley, I felt something on my foot and looked down to see a rat, I screamed and shook my foot then Mike pulled me to his side and we kept walking.

"Dad!" I yelled, nobody answered, "Where could he be.."

"Come here." Mike held his arms open and I went into them, he was so warm.

"You make me feel so safe."

"Good, I lov-" He stopped in the middle of his sentence cause there was mumbling over in some boxes so we walked over to them. I looked at Mike then lifted the boxes up, I saw Randy under them.

"Dad!" That scared the shit out of me.

"Randy are you ok!?" Mike went over to him and helped him up, he stumbled so I went over to him and helped him stand up straight.

"Dad what happened!?"

"I went out for some drinks then I fell and stuff." He said as we helped him in the car.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, just hungover." We drove back to the hotel, we got out and helped Randy walk up to his room.

"Hey L?"

"Yea dad?"

"Could you stay here with me?"

"Sure." I turned to Mike after we laid Randy down on bed, I walked Mike to the door.

"Sorry about him."

"Dude, he has a hangover it's funny!" He laughed a little with me.

"Bye Mike." He kissed me on my lips.

"See ya babe." I turned back around after I shut the door to see Randy sitting up looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

"So uh, what'd Mike say?"

"That he thinks it's funny how your hungover!" I giggled a little.

"That's it? Cause your cheeks are as red as a tomato." I looked down and heard Randy chuckle a little bit.

"What's so funny!"

"Your blushing like crazy." I put my face in a pillow as I laid next to Randy.

"And you care why?" I said as I dug my head even further into the pillow.

"I want to know why your blushing!" He said as he nudged me.

"Hekissedmeok!" I said fast so he couldn't understand me.

Randy Orton is my dadWhere stories live. Discover now