Chapter 5

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Today was the day, the audition for Pitch Perfect. Was I ready? Nope. Was I nervous? Definitely.
"Lex, you gotta get up now," I grumbled and rolled out of bed, Dad was standing in my doorway,
"Remember, no talking today, gotta save that voice of yours." Dad ruffled my already unruly hair, I laughed,
"Okay." Dad went back downstairs and I jumped in the shower. My audition was at noon, it was 7:30. A normal person wouldn't be getting ready now, but I had school and needed to leave in twenty minutes. By the time I got out, I had missed the bus, Dad handed me a thermos,
"I'll drive you, don't worry." I nodded and hopped into my dad's jeep. The drive to school went by fast, sitting in silence didn't help my nerves.
When I got to school, the bullies and terror awaited me,
"Move it, bitch." I was shoved into a locker, coincidentally it was my locker. I would've said something back, but I was on vocal rest.
The day went slowly until the PA system crackled to life,
"Can we have Alexis Sherrod to the office for dismissal?" I stood up and walked to my locker, grabbed my backpack, and walked to Lea's car. Lea noticed me hop in,
"Have a good day?" I nodded, Lea drove to Universal Studios for my audition. I sat in the hallway for about twenty minutes before an assistant called out,
"Alexis Sherrod? You may come back now." I stood up and walked to the place that would decide my entire future.

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