Chapter 10

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The next day at school, the worms started to come out of the can. I had to go to school and she was there.

"Watch where you're going!" I felt the hands shove me into a locker, at least it was my locker. Instead of walking away like she usually did, I felt her breathing down my neck.

"What?" A hand squeezed my shoulder, and her voice dropped to whisper,

"Meet me in the locker room after lunch." I nodded, and she walked away. I felt something bad was going to happen, so I texted Naya,

Me: Naya?

Naya: Arent you supposed to be in class?

Me: Yeah, but that's not important right now.

Naya: Okay, what's more, important than going to class?

Me: You know Ash?

Naya: Isn't that the girl who's bullying you?

Me: Yeah, she told me to meet her in the locker room after lunch.

Naya: Don't go, I'll talk to Chris and see if I can come to pick you up.

Me: K. I have to go to drama class.

Naya: Stay safe, Lex.

I walked into the auditorium, and Luke was at my side,

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Please tell me she didn't hurt you." I looked at Luke,

"I'm fine, babe. What are you talking about?" Luke wrapped his arms around me,

"Ash said yesterday that she was gonna hurt you. And there's a rumor going around that Ash r worded you." I kissed Luke on the cheek,

"Babe, I told you, you can say the word rape around me, and don't worry I'm okay." Luke picked me up, and held me close to him,

"I love you, and if you get hurt from her, you tell me, and I'll kick her ass." I nodded, and Naya walked into the auditorium,

"Hand her over." I laughed and climbed down from Luke, and hugged Naya,

"Hey, Snix." Naya laughed and wrapped her arms around me protectively,

"Hey, you okay?" I nodded, and Naya grabbed my hand, "Great, let's go before Kevin comes and beats my ass because I didn't bring you back yet." I smiled,

"Okay, I'll stop at my locker and grab my backpack on the way out." We walked out of the auditorium, and I stopped at my locker. Naya stood next to me, ready to attack, Ash walked up to my locker,

"I see you finally have a mom. Maybe this woman won't take her life because they regret being your mom." Naya glared at Ash, as I grabbed my backpack and closed my locker. I looked at Naya,

"I'll meet you in the car, I can handle this." Naya nodded then looked at ash,

"You do anything to her and you will have the entire cast threatening your life." Naya walked away, and as soon as she was out of eyesight, Ash pushed my body against the locker, kissed me, punched me, then tried to kiss me again. I pushed her away from me and ran out to Naya's car.

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